November Surprise

I’m sitting on something big here… maybe enough to turn the election.
Expect it late Sunday.

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  1. You mean Mulder and Scully are getting together at last? Marduk, we praise thee, may their spawn thing have freckles, giggle, and solve mysteries with a talking shark. Ha cha cha chachachachacha.

  2. This is big, but no surprise, as there has been much speculation already. This certainly explains why Hanoi John hasn’t signed his DD Form 180…
    BIG QUESTION – Will any of the MSM carry this or will they ignore it as they did the Communist Puppetgate story? I hate it when I know the answer to my question before I ask it.

  3. Sunday NIGHT?! SUNDAY!!! How am I supposed to study for my chemistry exam if I’m spending all weekend trying to figure out the surprise!! IMAO is ruining my GPA! (must be the joos’ fault, somehow) Grrrr. shakes fist.

  4. “I’m sitting on something big here…”
    Oh, wait! Perhaps you weren’t being ambiguous, and you really are sitting on something big. Could Frank have a Saturday night squeeze? purr Go Frank!

  5. Oh, please, please, please let it be the missing 100 pages from John Fraud Kerry’s military file….
    Someone should bribe the Navy archivist to share the whole file with the electorate. Why does John Kerry have all the billionaires on his side? It’s not fair!

  6. Frank J.’s timing is political.
    He accidently stuffed the original blog post down his pants. This post was only a copy.
    Frank J. wants to raid social security to pay for bullets to kill Iraqi children, to surpress the minority vote by stacking the dead Iraqi children in front of polling places in mostly Black neighborhoods.
    Frank J. would be just like Hitler, except Bush was just like Hitler first, so Frank is really more like Mussolini, with a side order of Tojo.
    Now, Frank J. says he has a “big surprise.”
    Can the American people really trust Frank J. and his big surprises?
    I’m Terry Mac, and I authorized this blog comment.

  7. Has FrankJ been visiting any jewlery stores lately? Has he built a 500 megawatt sniping lazer? Is he going to release the knews that he is Terazas illigetimate love child? Is he going to release evidence of John Kerry’s ninja monkey ancestry? Is going to get a spell check utility for the comments?

  8. Don’t expect the announcement to happen today. The group responsible for the newly discovered truth (hint) was told to “stand down” from higher powers.
    I take that as a positive – i.e. the Republicans are confident that Bush will win big and do not need any last minute surprises against JFK.
    Go W!

    Interviewer: ‘So, Sir, you’re one of our two final canidates to be our new CEO. So tell me: what qualifications do you have? From where did you graduate?”
    Kerry: “From many very good schools. At a nationally-known prep school, followed by a very good undergraduate school, followed by a law school. If you wish to refer to me as J.F.Kerry, Esq, that is permitted, but not required at this stage. I also served in Vietnam.”
    “Interviewer: “I see. May I see your school transcripts?”
    Kerry: “No. What I did 35 years ago does not bear upon my current abilities. However, I served in Vietnam as an officer, which was so much better than being drafted. Jane said so, and she was ‘right'(for once in her life).”
    Interviewer: “Have you been a CEO of something as important as a 5-store grocery chain before? After all, if I hire you, nearly 100 people will be depending upon you for a paycheck.”
    Kerry: “No, but I’ve given many important and influential opinions in my past 19 years in the USA Senate. Also, I might be able to cut you a great deal on fungal produce from Mr Bove of France – and that might stop him them from hating us so much.”
    Interviewer: “I see. Myself, I pretty much gave up on popularity tests at age 14. But lets change the topic: some have speculated that you might not be significantly more intelligent than our other candidate. What is your reply?”
    Kerry: “That should have been ‘response’ rather than ‘reply’. It’s a matter of nuance. Besides, since I haven’t released any records, anybody how claims I aint as smart as anybody else is gonna get sued as soon as my attys (all esq’s) finnish with this-here election.”
    Interviewer: “Gotcha. Okay. um. . .”
    Interviewer: “Oh. Since it is such a large part of your CV, may I see your military record?”
    Kerry: “No. But I served in Vietnam, with great distinction (like Jenjis Khan, but on a boat). If you question my record or my plans for your company, I’d give you great answers, but I’m busy now. I’ve got great plans for your company.”
    Interviewer: “Were you honorably discharged?”
    Kerry: “I think I’ve answered that question enough times. Next?”
    Interviewer: “This is a several year-long job; can you show us medical reviews that indicate that you won’t die before you do what we might hire you to accomplish?”
    Kerry: “No, that’s my private business.”
    Interviewer: “Um. Yeah, sure. So, tell me, are there any financial conflicts of interests that might preclude you from making judgements that were in the best interests of our group (i.e. the USA) rather than those that would benefit you or your family?”
    Kerry: “The money that supports my lifestyle is none of your business. Let’s face it, flying to the Columbia Gorge to do a little wind-surfing doesn’t cost all that much. Besides, based upon Bill’s lifestyle, if I’m elected President of a grocery store I won’t need her money anymore so it’s a moot point.”
    Interviewer: “So let us sum up your claims to qualify to run a grocery store: 1)War experience we can’t fully document; 2)Education we can’t fully document; 3)Personal Health we can’t document; 4)Executive experience (none), and 5)Professional experience (none). Can you comment upon any topic?
    Fax reply from the Monsieur’s Staff: Mr Kerry Has Great And Imposing ASnsweres To All of These Questions, But He Is Tooo Busy To Resondez Because He is Busy Planning The Re-Importation of Californian Tomatoes-On-The-Vine from Canada, Thus Decreasing The Cost Of Hot-House Tomatoes for All Of Ouur Grocery Stores & Better Produce For All Peeples. .

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