Now Who Will Rescue Aquaman?

‘Superman’ Christopher Reeves has passed away at the age of 52. Now he’s punching devils into the sun.

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  1. I’m pretty sure Batman is not up to the job. I don’t know if Spiderman’s web-shooters work underwater, either. But I did see an episode of SuperFriends once where Wonder Woman’s invisible jet went underwater. Leave it up to the women to have to save a man’s pitiful pinkytoe yet again. [sigh]

  2. Spiderman? Any good geek knows Spidey and Mr. Curry (aka Aquaman) aren’t in the same universe.
    What do you mean, irrelevant geek?
    ps. – any chance of converting you into an Iowa Securitymom?

  3. Who will resuce Aquaman?
    It’s like the joke:
    Q: Why didn’t Superman rescue Princess Diana?
    A: Because he’s a quadriplegic.
    Yeah, yeah, I know. Sick and tasteless but nonetheless funny.
    R.I.P. Superman. BTW: Did you donate your stem cells for research?

  4. It’s up to either Green Lantern or Martian Manhunter to pull Aquaman’s hash outta the fire. Well, unless it’s literally fire, in which case Martian Manhunter can’t do it. And if we’re talking about the Aquaman with the gold trident for a hand, then fish-boy could lame out and block Green Lantern’s beam, thereby preventing the rescue.

    Okay, yeah. If Wonder Woman can’t do it, Aquaman is screwed.

  5. There’s lots of Super-Heroes left to save Aquaman….
    Like Hawk & Dove. Or The Teen Titans. Or the Kids Next Door.
    Christopher Reeve was an okay Superman. Though George Reeves, from the old B&W television series will always be Superman.

  6. Gregzywicki —
    Are you referring to my Peace Gallery Photo? heh Ain’t NOBODY messing with my lil’ 5-year-old soccer champ. He’s a bad-pinkytoe, too… he doesn’t pack heat on the soccer field, but he sleeps with his Daisy pop-gun and his night-vision binoculars.
    I have two older daughters (10 and 8) who were never quite like that. I knew my son was going to be special when he was 10 months old and came crawling out of his sisters’ bedroom with a Barbie leg in his mouth. Just the leg. Never knew what happened to the rest of her.

  7. Congratulations to AWG and others for out geeking me. Frank J, know thy audience and shudder.
    Kerry hasn’t exploited Reeves yet, but he did knock edwards over rushing to a mike to praise him and his life. Nothing wrong with that, but you can see it coming.
    Iowa – I was just riffing on the latest crucial voting block (replacing Clinton’s soccer moms); the security mom.

  8. ThaSickness: it took longer than I thought, but now up on MSNBC…
    I wonder if President Bush could look into the eyes of Christopher Reeve’s family and tell that that it’s because he values life so deeply that he is preserving clusters of cells in freezers–cells that resulted from in-vitro fertilization and could be used for embryonic stem cell treatment–despite the fact that more people will die as a result of his decision.
    By Patti Davis.
    Life is so much easier when everthing is George W. Bush’s fault, isn’t?

  9. It’s SOOOOO wrong that Kedwards uses cripples and other unfortunates (Cleland, Michael J. Fox, Reeves, etc.) to advance his agenda. If they were truly honest, and understood development of treatments, they’d know that stopping gov’t funding is not the same as outlawing it altogether. Maybe they should set up an Alex P Keaton foundation…
    But then they wouldn’t have another reason to abort babies, eh?
    BTW, did you see the episode of South Park where Christopher Reeves eats the babies to gain strength? Hilarious, and I’m sure he himself would have appreciated it, if he’s not for abortion.

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