Osama Speaks

Here is the surprise I told you about. In a final push for votes, the words of Osama are being used.

Click here to hear the audio.

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  1. How many of you will be happy to not hear another campaign ad for a long time? Or receive pre-recorded phone messages, or get fliers in the mail?
    I do wish the freedom of information act would allow the release of the remaining military records of sKerry though. Does anyone know if it’s even been tried?
    This was a very clever spoof ad though!

  2. Well if they get to use UBL, I’m going to use MOV (My own vote). I get to vote this year. And it’s a heavy responsibility but also a privilege. In one way because I am European I get to speak for those abroad who are affected by the leadership in the Whitehouse. So I give careful consideration to both side’s point of view. It’s not just lowering my tax bill I’m worried about. I know that lives hang in the balance. People in Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, you name it. And I speak from experience. I’m a Yankee now. I did my time for my adopted country. Special Ops. Black Ops. You know. Out in the theatre of war. Catering division. Those guys can slit a throat, assassinate a prime minister, and overrun an entire country in the weekend but not be able to boil an egg on Monday morning. I’d make the sangwidches. Sweet tea. You know. I make very sweet tea. This is the first time I’m votin’. I could never make it for one reason on the other. No one else in memory left the pub either on election day or any other day if it wasn’t a national emergency. But This is one.
    – Which is why I am voting for George Bush. His stance on policy is unwavering in this time of uncertainty. Take gay marriage. He has
    pledged to outlaw it forever by a change in the constitution. I agree. They shouldn’t be allowed to erode the sanctity of a man and a woman’s bond. I don’t want gays knocking on my door asking me if I wouldn’t mind getting married. You bet that will happen. If John Kerry had his way, they could just call you up on the phone and ask you straight out to marry them – legal. Think of it. Instead of the mild inconvenience of people selling you American products from vacuum cleaners to Vaseline just as you sit down for dinner, homos will be ringing up proposing matrimony. Bringing the economy to a standstill, I mean it’s not polite to give an answer straightaway if you were brought up Christian. Polite and Right). They also know straight single men are dependable and upright. That’s why they’ll target you and me instead of flipflopping gays. We know their real goal – to cash those fat welfare checks and sneak out with the housewife allowance. But you know damn well they’ll just use it as walkin’ around money and laugh as they adulterate in glitzy nightclubs breaking the bible’s sodomy laws with better lookin’ French weasels in the dens of inequity from New York to Ozarks to downtown San Francisco. I mean they’re you’d be feeling all lonesome at home while your new husband is cheatin’ and layin’ about like a wild alley cat with just your Cancun honeymoon pictures over the fireplace for comfort. That one moment of happiness – for nothin’. Who wants that for a bucket of hard hurt? I don’t want them knocking on my door. Do you? No sir.
    Support Vietnam Fighters against Gays. V-FAGS. Vote GW ’04.

  3. Oh boy that last line, “I’m John Kerry and I approved this message, I vow to hunt down and kill the Messager.”
    I don’t know Arabic but I thought I heard Osma refer to, “Served in Viet Nam,” “Mary…hot lesbian sex…have your credit card ready,” and
    “Looking for a good goose.”

  4. OT
    Best Poll for undecided voters;
    Since 1956, Weekly Reader students in grades 1-12 have correctly picked the president
    Weekly Reader kids select Bush in Presidential Poll
    The students who read Weekly Reader’s magazines have made their preference for President known: they want to send President Bush back to the White House.
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