Question of the Day

What should Bush do in tomorrow’s debate to regain his momentum?
I think he should punch Kerry through the chest, rip out his still beating heart, and show it to Kerry just before he dies. Then everyone around the world would be like, “Holy @$%&!”
And it would be so cool.
What do you think?


  1. The heart thing could backfire. You’re assuming Kerry has one.
    Picture Bush, arm in Kerry’s chest up to the elbow, and Kerry spouting off, “Couldn’t find WMD’s, can’t find my heart.”
    It would be horrible for the campaign.

  2. I was thinking per an earlier In My World that the ghosts the Founding Fathers, John Wayne, and Frank Sinatra could come down and proceed to bitch slap, rabbit punch, and groin kick Kerry for 90 minutes.

  3. Michael – that was great!
    After the question from the growling audience member, the next question could be from Condi (hidden behind a red wig).
    “Senator Kerry, could you restate your position on Iraq from mm/dd/yyyy and contrast that with your position last Thursday? Oh, and I wish you a speedy recovery from those nasty wounds.”

  4. Since no one seemed to like his frowny face at the last debate, President Bush should try othter, seemingly random expressions when he’s not speaking: Shock, amusement, anger, boredom, rage … whatever. When questioned about it, he can say “I heard Al Gore was watching and I wanted to teach him how to show emotion. Next week we’ll work on ‘ashamed’ and ‘excited'”.
    Then he can rip Kerry’s heart out. But afterwards he should toss it up in the air and put three rounds from his Peacemaker through it before it hits the ground.

  5. Maybe the moderator could be the guy from Mortal Kombat and when W is done with the Frenchman who by the way served in Viet Nam the moderator would say, “Finish Him!!!” And then Bush would have a space laser tattoo W ’04 on Kerry’s botox ridden forehead.

  6. Maybe he could do that thing that Chevy Chase used to do in the old SNL news skits when he would make all of those mocking faces and wag his tongue behind Jane Curtin’s head while she was delivering the news.

  7. One final touch:
    Bush should take a big bite out of the still-beating heart like an apple. Kinda like the Iron Chef opening where bites the big yellow pepper. Then he can shove it back in his chest.
    Just thought it would look better on the news.

  8. So hateful! So partisan! So mean-spirited! So divisive! (Literally, in the case of divisive, where W would divide Kerry from his heart.) However, it would probably be like unto Nuke The Moon and Bush would win in a landslide.
    If Kerry did it to W, on the other hand, it would be “sensitive,” “for the children,” “taking the high road,” “coalition-building,” etc.

  9. Bush should:
    1. Secretly switch the moderator to Ted Nugent in his loincloth and hunting gear.
    2. Play Stevie Ray Vaughan’s “I’m leaving you (commit a crime)” as the background music.
    3. Park Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Chomps at any possible exit points so Kerry can’t run away.
    4. Stare at Kerry like Cheney did to Edwards. Kerry WILL sweat buckets ’cause he’s not quite as stupid as the BreckGirl.
    5. (I’m having an Underpants Gnome moment)
    6. Declare Victory!

  10. I’m thinking full gladiatorial combat. They could fight and shed their blood on the sands of the Washington Mall and keep Rome..i mean America strong. Oops, silly me. All those temple-like buildings confuse me at times. Also, Kerry would just kinda stand there and take the hits screaming “I served in Vietnam!” or asking how many Purple Hearts he would get for this. All the electors could watch from the stands and then use that as a basis for how to cast their votes.

  11. Whap! That’s for looking French!
    Thwack! That’s for talking crap!
    Thump! That’s for being snooty!
    Crunch! That’s for stabbing Vietnam vets in the back!
    Smack! That’s for looking at my daughters!
    Punch! That’s for whatever I’m forgetting!
    Kick! That’s one to grow on!

  12. I think Bush should sneak behind Kerry while he’s talking and mimic his actions with a Kerry puppet. Puppets make everything better, after all!
    And then when Kerry notices, Bush should smack him over the head with the puppet and kick him in the family jewels. Then he can turn to the camera and say “How’s that for a soundbite, Slappy??”!!
    I know I’d love to see that, anyway. :o)

  13. it’d be cooler if he cam out dressed as scorpion hired an announcer, through a rope with a point on the end, heard “come over here” shouted, and then pulls kerry’s already stilled heart out.
    then the announcer would be like “but his heart was already dead…so bush pulls a lever and kerry falls below into some spikes.
    of course his evil spirit would overtake some weak minded liberal like the emperor of star wars (then their face would turn ugly like that too..oh well…
    that’s my story

  14. Sticky B
    I don’t think Dubya should actually rub one out during the debates, just make the wanking gesture (you’ve all seen it) to show how bored he is with Kerry.
    Alternatively, he could just train a monkey to throw poo at Lurch durign the debate.

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