Question of the Day

Does John Kerry have a plan?
I tried checking out his website, but all it had was this little guy that came on screen, pointed to the sky, and exclaimed, “Da plan! Da plan!” Other than that, I couldn’t find anything.
What do you think?


  1. How dare you questions his plan. He told you he has a plan. That should be enough.
    He has many plans. In fact, he has a plan for every issue that voters think he should have a plan for. He also has a plan to pay for all those plans. At least I think he said he does.
    He also has contingency plans in case he needs to flip-waffle. In that case, he plans to denounce his earlier plans.

  2. actually, i found what they called john kerry’s “plan” on his website.
    basically, its two columns, one with kerry’s super vauge “plan” and the other with bush’s “plans”
    so in kerry’s column they had things like “create jobs” and “have a good economy”
    then in bushs column they put stuff like “bush makes children cry”

  3. John Kerry does indeed have a plan and I’ve figured it out.
    John Kerry’s plan is to kill terrorists using military and law enforcement agencies. He will kill terrorists everywhere that they are not. He will send US forces everywhere they control the ‘host’ country except those host countries that say they don’t want US forces or where Jock Chiraq doesn’t want him to.
    Terrorists everywhere in the world are trembling in abject fear of Kerry’s Plan, except where there are terrorists.

  4. He’s got so many plans, he needs to apply for a plan consolidation plan, at a low interest rate and tax deductable of course, in order that he can roll all of those plans into one plan. I’m advising him to go to one of those plan inernet sites so that several different vendors have the opportunity to present their plan for his consideration. Competition makes for better plans. My favorite site is

  5. Kerry’s plan is to stick his finger out to see which way the wind is blowing before making a decision. Then he’ll continue where he left off many moons ago and once again betray our great country and our great servicemen/women. Whatta Prick. He needs his ass kicked. I’m tired. Goodnite.

  6. Here is Kerry’s top-secret plan for the USA:
    Step 1: Bend over
    Step 2: Grab your ankles
    Step 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the Germans, French, Russians, Chinese, UN and islamofascist terrorists are happy.

  7. i think it’s more like the plans from the Under Pants gnomes (apply to whatever issue he has a plan for):
    Step 1: Win the ’04 election.
    Step 2: …. shrug
    Step 3: Win the ’08 re-election.

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