The Left Are Tolerant Unless You’re Different

Here’s a neat article on wearing pro-Kerry atire in Bush-county versus wearing pro-Bush attire in Kerry owned areas.

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  1. Everyday, this neighbor kid’s girl friend drives by my house, in her red Honda civic, rolls down the her window, and screams obscenities about Bush, toward my house. My political yard signs are working her up into a frenzy. She’s brave when she’s in her car, however, one day she was walking by my house, and I was out watering the lawn. I gave her “the look”, and refused to take my eyes off her… FYI: I’m a former steele chick. You can take the girl out of the Burgh, but you can’t take the Burgh outta the girl… anywho, she refused to make eye contact with me, and just walked as fast as possible past my house. LOL If she keeps the screaming and swearing up past election day, I’m reporting her tag # to the police.
    I’m fully anticipating that she and stoner boy friend have something planned for my house on Halloween. White trash.

  2. Now I shall put my evil plan into effect and wear my IMAO shirt to work to torment my union drone co-workers… (Ahhhh….. Well, I would have if ThoseShirts ever actually really started making and shipping t-shirts.)

  3. heh, when i sent that link to a friend of mine who’s strongly anti-bush who i haven’t bothered arguing politics with in ages, her response was “proof that bush wins on account of ignorance”. needless to say, i didn’t bother responding.
    some pro-kerry people might be nice people in general, but they’re completely insane when it comes to politics.

  4. If you thought the slate article was good, just wait until you read the comments. As of this time, there are 3 and they’re bitching about how the author didn’t do it right and that the Republicans he wrote about aren’t REAL Republicans since they aren’t from the south or midwest. Nevermind that the way these complaints are made reinforces the author’s point.

  5. I have a NASCAR-style Bush-Cheney hat that I get LOTS of compliments on and only once have gotten a “stare of death.” But I’m 6’4″ 210 lbs and the little weasle was about 5 foot somethin’ ~160 lbs. I would’ve loved him to try something!
    But I digress. The real nasty looks and comments come from my “Viva Bush” bumper sticker … while I drive around Princeton, NJ … in my VW Beetle. (Hence my handle: Undercover Hippie)

  6. It’s really pretty sad that politics has been reduced to that, but it’s something I put up with every day. I am a student at the University of Maryland, a school so liberal that if a professor finds out your politcal affiliation doesnt agree with his dope smoking hippie opinions, you better give up hope of doing well in that class. Sad thing is, that as the smallest minority group on campus, there is nothing that can be done about it. Although, if you are fortunate enough to encounter another Republican, you instantly develop a friend because we try to stick together as much as possible.

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