Vote Or P. Diddy Dies
An Editorial by Frank J.

 This next election is extremely important, so important that rapper P. Diddy has come out with the slogan, “Vote Or Die.” That’s because, man, if Bush is reelected, we’ll all be sent out to Iraq or other crazy places through a draft where we’ll be killed. And, if you aren’t sent out, we’ll make the insurgents so mad from stealing their oil that they’ll come here and kill us with their righteous anger, man! So, if you don’t vote and stop Bush, YOU WILL DIE!

“As you’re forced to work in an underground uranium mine, you’ll say, ‘Oh, I wish I listened to Frank and kept him from killing P. Diddy!'”

 But apparently that’s not enough to move some of you. I can see you still sitting there saying, “I don’t feel like voting. Voting is for homos.” Fine, maybe you don’t care enough about your own life to vote, but I think I know of one you do.

 Yeah, that’s right; if you don’t vote, I’ll kill P. Diddy!

 Bet I have your attention now. Imagine a world without P. Diddy – without him taking previously popular songs and talking over them. Horrible, isn’t it? Well, it gets much worse if Bush, Cheney, and the Halliburton stooges remain in office. They’ll take our starving children who are failing in schools and send them to die in ambushes in Fallujah. All the while, Bush and Cheney will be eating Kitten/Puppy stew while planning nuclear war on behalf of oil interests.

 Nuclear war, man! That’s game over for all of us!

 So that’s why I’m going to kill P. Diddy if you don’t vote. Hell, if Bush is reelected and pollutes the world with his polluting stuff and things, it’ll be a mercy killing. I even have plans for it; I’ll just sabotage one of his guns so next time P. Diddy brandishes it at a nightclub, it will go off and shoot him. Know what you’ll have then? P. Diddlysquat, that’s what. It will be too late because you didn’t vote. Bush’s Nazi stormtroopers will already be rounding us up at this time, and, as you’re forced to work in an underground uranium mine, you’ll say, “Oh, I wish I listened to Frank and kept him from killing P. Diddy!”

 So vote or P. Diddy dies. Spread the word.
Frank J. is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear worldwide on and is the author of such books as “The Politics of Punching” and “Buy This Book Or Die.”

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  1. would be killing P. Diddy really be worth the cost of the bullet? you could use pointed sticks tho….those are pretty cheap. besides, i agree with sackofcatfood, there has to be a way to do both. anyone who has a name, strike that, anyone who CHOOSES a name that sounds like something that is found in a baby diaper really is a waste of oxygen that i could be using.

  2. I can see you still sitting there saying, “I don’t feel like voting. Voting is for homos.”<
    ROFLMPTO!!! Nice to come back to work after a trip and read this. You’re brilliant, do you know that?

  3. A vote for Dubya is a vote for P-Didddlysquat. P-Diddy will be so distraught after the bush victory that he will have a massive herorin overdose, at least it will look like an inadvertant overdose. Rumor has it that a card will be left on his corpse that says “I’m Donald Rumsfeld. I administered this massive overdose.” So, in short, a vote for Dubya is a vote for dead rappers nationwide.

  4. Wait! I’m confused! What are we voting for? For your not to kill P Diddy???
    P Diddy’s rounding up all the grub stubbing gangsters and crack hos, and urging them to vote for Kerry, because they need another govt program in da hood. Oh dear, don’t even get me started!

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