Links of the Day

Okay- it’s the day after a major award ceremony. That means go read the girls at Fug. When it comes to slamming Celebrity Fashion – they have no equal.
Manic Viking has a great outline of his credentials. Take THAT mainstream media!
BTW, funny always deserves an audience. Hubris has been red hot lately!
Check him out.
Remember to visit IMAO for all your shopping needs.
You, the fat guy sitting at your computer – no, the other one. You need a new T-shirt. Buy one of Frank’s.
Order one today and shipping is extra!

RWD’s Roundup – The Oscars

Hello IMAO readers,
RightWingDuck here to share the news. Actually, today’s theme is on the Oscars.
The Oscars have come and gone. Wow, that was so exciting.
Not all reviews for Chris Rock were good. In fact, many were offended by his rant against George Bush — or as Hollywood calls it, “Standard Opening #1.”
The national ratings were down from last year. It appears they lost viewers in Middle America. Hollywood is trying desperately to connect with those red states. In fact, next year they have just the right event — they plan to hang President Bush in effigy!
That should lure them in.
It was Rock’s first time hosting the Oscars, so obviously he was confused.
Insulting the President isn’t the job of the host- it’s the job of the Winners!! (Standard Thank You #2)

Continue reading ‘RWD’s Roundup – The Oscars’ »

Gratuitous T-Shirt Babe Pic o’ the Day

a picture of Minerva learning how to clean and oil the guns. oh yeah, i’m in the picture too. UPDATE: it’s now a caption contest.
and for the ladies, there’s a cute picture of Frank J with his precious dimples. am i allowed to use the word “precious” here at IMAO?

Continue reading ‘Gratuitous T-Shirt Babe Pic o’ the Day’ »

Who the Hell They Are II

Whoops. Forgot to check my Spam box. If an e-mail contains a link and little text, there is a good chance it winds up there. Thus happened to many links to answers to my questions.
Well, here are more blogs who answered the challenge. Check them out and see if they are worthy of having opinions.

Continue reading ‘Who the Hell They Are II’ »

The Grand Canadian Adventure

Hello, Aquafans!
Ever vigilant, I peruse the news sites for peril that can only be handled by the man in orange. Today I found that Democrats are suggesting that the ban on buying medicines from Canada be lifted. Democratic Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer thinks it “makes no sense” that the United States can import “cattle, hogs and logs” from Canada — but not cheaper prescription drugs. And I agree. Underwater there is no difference between hogs and prescription drugs.
Both are wet.
It seems, though, that the insidious pharmaceutical companies and their evil cronies the Republicans don’t want Americans having cheaper drugs from Canada.
Well, this seems like a job for…

Continue reading ‘The Grand Canadian Adventure’ »

Fun Trivia

What did old man Rather say right after being forced into retirement from the CBS Evening News over the fake memos he used to try and besmirch President Bush?

Continue reading ‘Fun Trivia’ »

In My World: Un-Poofy Part IV

Part I
Part II
Part III

“Is it true that the president was lost on the way to his negotiations with North Korea?”
“That’s ridiculous,” White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan answered, “He’s right on schedule.”

“Are these people looking more Korean and less Chinese to you?” Bush asked.
“Looking kinda Korean,” the president of Micronesia, Joseph Urusemal, answered.
“Nope. Not Korean yet,” Buck the Marine stated.

“And where are the rest of Bush’s cabinet? There are rumors about them being involved in some sort of fighting competition.”
“That’s crazy; they’re hard at work,” Scott assured the reporters.

“Are you really wearing those stiletto heel boots for the street fighting competition?” Laura asked incredulously.
“Part of street fighting is style,” Condoleezza Rice answered.
“’nuff girl talk!” Cheney shouted, “I want to crack some skulls. There’s nothing like illegal street fighting.”
“Rarr!” Rumsfeld added.
“While we’re here, though, is anybody looking after my husband?” Laura asked with concern.
“Chomps, go check on Bush,” Rumsfeld told his dog, “If he’s in trouble, take care of the trouble. If he’s making friends with Europeans, bite him.”
Chomps growled and then ran off.
“Get ready!” the fight coordinator yelled out, “and remember: the only rules are there are no rules.”
“Hey! That’s easy to remember!” Laura exclaimed excitedly.

“Anymore questions?” Scott asked the assembled press.
“Why are you so fat?”
Scott groaned. “Can we show some maturity here?”
One of the reporters shrieked. “That guy there has a laptop!”
“He could be a blogger!” another yelled.
“Let’s get out of here before he gets us all fired!” The press fled the room leaving just Scott and the one man with a laptop.
“Thanks for getting rid of those jerks,” Scott told him.
“I have some questions about Michael Gannon.”
Scott rolled his eyes. “For pete’s sake…”

“Now… uh… Entering… North… uh… Korea. Abandon All… uh… Hope… Ye Who Enter… uh… Here.” Bush turned to his two companions. “What do you think that means?”
“I think we might be to North Korea,” Urusemal offered.
“Think we should ditch the pandas we’re riding,” Bush said.
“Good, mine kept attacking me,” Urusemal said.
“You just have to punch them in the head enough to gain their respect,” Buck stated.
“Yeah, don’t be such a wuss, Joey,” Bush said, “You were the one all scared about going through the demilitarized zone.”
“Because it was full of mines!”
“See, I would have thought the opposite with the name ‘demilitarized zone,'” Bush commented, “If you were going to fill it with mines, shouldn’t you call it the ‘extra militarized zone’?”
“All I know is that it was cool to see that panda blow up,” Buck laughed.
“That’s something everyone has to see at least once in their life,” Bush stated.
Suddenly they were all surrounded by North Korean troops.
“Uh… take us to your leader,” Bush said.

Bush, Urusemal, and Buck sat at a large table. “He makes us wait to show he has power over us,” Urusemal said.
“It’s working! I’ll do whatever he says!” Bush exclaimed.
The large doors at the end of the room opened and out walked Kim Jon Il. “My hair is no longer poofy!”
“Wow,” Bush answered, “You must have finally used that coupon to Super-Kutz I gave you.”
“Yes! Hair cut now! You no longer make fun of poofy hair!”
“You still have those dumb glasses,” Bush pointed out.
“You shut up!” Jong yelled. He then looked around. “Who are these others?”
“It’s my friend Buck the Marine and President Joseph something-or-other of Micronesia so these talks are multilateral.”
“What!” Jong exclaimed, “I never heard of that country.”
“It’s a real one,” Bush replied, “Just don’t ask me to point it out on a map.”
“I could show you,” Urusemal offered, “if the map is big enough.”
“I do not care!” Jong shouted, “Did you remember your briefcase, President Bush?”
“I have it right here,” Bush said, patting the briefcase on the table.
“Briefcase go on ground!” Jong shouted, “Ground place for briefcase!”
“Fine,” Bush said, putting down the briefcase, “but, if I put the briefcase on the ground, then… uh… you have to dismantle all your nukes.”
“Okay, it agreed,” Jong agreed.
“Hey, negotiations are going great,” Bush exclaimed, “Thanks for coming, Joey.”
“Well, gosh, you know how Micronesia loves to help America.”
“Yeah, you said that like a thousand times.”
“Negotiations being done,” Jong said, “before you all go you should LOOK AT THAT WALL OVER THERE!”
Bush, Buck, and Urusemal all looked at the wall across from them. “I don’t see anything,” Bush said, “How about you, Buck?”
“Looks like a wall,” Buck answered.
“This might be a diversion,” Urusemal suggested.
Bush stared harder at the wall. “Doesn’t look like a diversion.”
“You can stop looking at the wall and go,” Jong said, “Muh hee hee hee.”
“Was someone just behind me?” Bush asked. “Oh well.” He then stood up and began to lift his briefcase. “Why’d this get so heavy all of a sudden?”
Jong tossed Bush handcuffs. “You handcuff to wrist to make sure you don’t lose it.” He then tossed another pair of handcuffs to Bush. “Why don’t you cuff it to both hands.”
“Wait!” Urusemal shouted, “I don’t think that’s your briefcase!”
“That’s crazy,” Bush said, “It’s black; my briefcase is black.”
“But it’s much larger and looks heavier,” Urusemal stated, “I think it might be a suitcase nuke.”
Bush looked again at the briefcase. “Hey! You might be right!”
“I knew multilateral talks was a bad idea!” Jong shouted as he ran out of room, “Now I go to plan B – I launch nuke at America!”
“We have to stop him!” Bush yelled, “His nukes have a 20% chance of actually hitting California. It would take out a lot of blue-staters, but it’s the principle of the thing.”
Guards swarmed into the meeting room.
“Okay, Joey, you kill all the guards while Buck and I do something about the nuke launch,” Bush said.
“Uh, usually ain’t I the one who kills everybody?” Buck asked.
“Yeah, so I thought you’d want a change of pace.”
“Nah, I like killing for’ners.”
“Fine. You do that then.”
Bush turned to Urusemal. “Come with me, Joey, to stop that missile.” Bush picked up the suitcase nuke. “We better get rid of this, too.”
Bush and Urusemal ran to the next room as Buck got to kill’n. In the other room was a missile ready to launch. Up in a glass control room stood Kim Jong Il. “You will never stop me! America dies now! My hair is no longer poofy! Muh hee hee hee.”
“It’s too late to stop the launch,” Urusemal said, “but I think I see a control panel from where I can retarget the missile.”
“Good,” Bush said, “Make it target the North Pole… oh, wait, Santa Claus is there. Make it target the South Pole. We’ll be done with this soon enough.”
The door then burst open. “Yeaaaargh!”
Bush rolled his eyes. “Not now.”

“We’re to the final fight of the night,” the fight coordinator said. “On one side, we have Mongo the Destroyer. Never been beaten.” A muscle bound, seven foot man growled and pounded his fist into his palm. “On the other side is our last contender, the First Lady of Pain – Laura Bush. This former librarian will put your book under ‘P’ for ‘Pain’!”
“Actually,” Laura said, “Books are put on the shelves using the Dewey Decimal System. In the card catalogue, you might have a subject ‘Pain’ which would reference books that…”
“Just fight.”

Howard Dean knocked Bush back, slamming him against the soon to launch missile. “It’s really not time for this partisanship,” Bush pleaded, “We have a nuclear crisis.”
“Hate Republicans and all they stand for!” Dean shouted, “Kill Republicans!”
Dean charged Bush again, and Bush swung the suitcase nuke at him. “Why won’t you die!” Dean caught the suitcase and then swung it back, knocking Bush down. Dean then slammed the suitcase downwards, trying to crush Bush, but Bush rolled out of the way and handcuffed Dean’s hand to the suitcase.
“Let’s see you move toting that around,” Bush laughed. Dean then started beating Bush with the suitcase like it was a ball and chain.
Bush scrambled for cover behind the missile. Dean swung the suitcase on chain at Bush, but it got stuck on part of the missile. Dean then swung his other hand around the missile trying to grab Bush.
“The missile is reprogrammed,” Urusemal called out.
Bush handcuffed Dean’s other hand to the suitcase so that Dean was now caught with both arms wrapped around the missile. “Looks like it has a passenger now,” Bush said smugly, “Heh heh.”
“Yeaaargh!” Dean screamed as he tried to pull free. The rocket then began to launch.
“If I knew the lyrics to ‘Rocketman’, it would be really funny to sing that now,” Bush quipped.

Jong ran down his secret escape path. “Stupid American never find me! My hair is no longer poofy!” Jong then caught sight of one of his gaurds. “Good, one of my guards is here to protect me… angriest guard we have.” Jong rubbed his glasses to see better. “Actually, you look like angry dog.” Jong took his glasses off and put his face right up to the guard and squinted. “Very angry.”

Bush settled back in the White House. “Good job, Joey, at the talks.”
“Micronesia loves to help American in anyway, golly gosh,” Urusemal answered.
“Good job, too, Buck; now catch the next flight back to Iraq ’cause we’re kinda short on manpower there.”
“Yes, sir!” Buck ran out of the building.
Bush looked around. “Now where is everyone?”
The phone then rang. “You’ve reached the White House and Cheney isn’t here right now,” Bush answered.
“It’s your wife,” Laura said, “Craziest thing happened. Donald, Dick, Condi, and I all got arrested for illegal street fighting and need bail money.”
“That is crazy!” Bush exclaimed, “Especially since this is like the fourth time this happened.” Bush hung up and looked to Urusemal. “Have any cash on you, Joey?”
“Uh… yes.”
“You know all that aid we’ve given Micronesia? Well, it’s time for you to give back. Off to the police station!”

A scientist sat on the ice watching penguins waddle around. “I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere, freezing my ass off, observing stupid, flightless birds – can this get any worse?”
“Yeaaargh!” came a scream from the sky. The scientist looked up to see a missile headed his way.
“Aww… crap.”

Frank J. for DNC Chair!

When Howard Dean got appointed chairman of the DNC, my first thought was, “Those fools! Frank J. would’ve made a MUCH better chair than Howard Dean.”
I can see you folks are skeptical.
But consider the following facts (in the extended entry):

Continue reading ‘Frank J. for DNC Chair!’ »

Poll: What distraction caused Frank to run a red light and cause an accident?

Click below to take the poll!

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Totally True Tidbits About The Pope

Despite the fact that the Pope has been in the news a lot lately because of his recent health problems, most people don’t know much about him. He remains shrouded in mystery like Austin Powers or the true meaning of the letters “IMAO”.
It’s time to lift the veil of secrecy surrouding the Catholic Church’s most powerful figure, even though doing so will probably cause me to be sentenced to that special circle of Hell reserved for blasphemers and journalists. Regardless, some things are more important than the disposition of my immortal soul. Therefore I have plumbed the darkest depths of Google and otherwise just made things up in order to present to you (in the extended entry) these:


Continue reading ‘Totally True Tidbits About The Pope’ »

Things that make you go “Hmmmmmmm.”

I was listening to my favorite radio program the other night, The Phil Hendrie Show, and Phil posited the following: “If the Baby Jesus were alive today, would he have have to ride in a car seat?” There are two aspects to this interesting question: first, would the Baby Jesus be bound by laws requiring his use of a car seat, and second would the Baby Jesus need a car seat to protect himself from harm.
In regard to the first aspect, I think that the Baby Jesus probably would be bound by car seat laws. There is no precedent for a spiritual being beating a traffic ticket by offering “divinity” as a defense. Furthermore, the Baby Jesus allowed himself to be judged pursuant to Roman law during his first visit to the Earth, so I would think he would recognize the laws of the much more legitimate governing bodies of today.
In regard to the second aspect, the Baby Jesus probably wouldn’t need a car seat for personal protection. For one, as the Son of God, he must have something akin to “spidersense” that would allow him to see danger coming and avoid it. Also, I would expect he would have some sort of “magnum” power like Zoolander to prevent objects from hitting him–only on a much greater scale. Finally, even if the Baby Jesus couldn’t stop every projectile hurtling towards him from hitting him, he could simply heal himself or raise himself from the dead. I think the only danger to the Baby Jesus while riding in a car would be if it was foretold that he was to die in a car accident to forgive our sins.


Hey, sportsfans. Meant to finish up “IMW: Unpoofy” this week but will have the final part Monday. Also, I’m finally inspired for another Hate-Filled Lefty comic.
As for the group blogging, I’m really liking how its going and think everyone will find his or her own niche. For those who don’t like it, well, all I can say is, “We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it.” I need to fix up the sidebar and change some of the files so their not so Frank-centric.
Also, I’m thinking of replacing the verbal greeting with a neat jingle. Maybe that will be the next contest: come with a great IMAO jingle for SarahK to sing.
Well, have a great weekend. I’m going shooting. Yee-haw!

The Great Move of 2005 – Part IV

Here’s the next part of the continuing adventure of SarahK and me in the amazing U-Haul of pain and tragedy.

Evil Glenn’s Government Contract

(A Filthy Lie)

I was doing research for my forthcoming book, “Stupid Government! Stop Wasting My Money! I Hate You!”, and I came across an interesting web site – – which lists every single sleazy, nepotistic government contract ever handed out.

In amongst such obvious scams as the “horse-drawn horse” and the “solid gold featherbed”, I noticed that Glenn Reynolds had been awarded a juicy $12 billion contract for his plan entitled “How to Save the Lives of our Brave American Soldiers”.

Curious, I clicked the link.

And saw what YOU’LL see if you check the extended entry…
Continue reading ‘Evil Glenn’s Government Contract’ »

Links of the Day

Laurence Simon, in an uncharacteristically PG-rated post 😉 , has tips for protecting your identity.

Most credit card companies ask for your mother’s maiden name to confirm who you are. Change the question to your father’s maiden name and nobody will ever get past their lax security.

there’s much more where that came from. go see.
Carnival of the Recipes #28 is up over at Rocket Jones. go read that yummy goodness. oh, and the first person to send me the Chocolate Kahlua Trifles a la Christina is my new favorite.
Gullyborg has the second edition of Carnival of the Cordite. i don’t know what that is, but it has something to do with guns, so i’m all for it.
finally, Pinwheels is in Alaska (from Guam) this week because he’s up for the Air Mobility Squadron Officer of the Year award or something like that. good luck and congratulations, Pinwheels. (thanks to the Bebe for the tipoff.)