A Simple Solution To Overseas Job Outsourcing

I would like to offer what I find to be a very simple common sense solution to a problem of the day. Who says solutions have to be complicated or even nuanced? Not me, that’s for sure.
Our featured problem: Overseas Job Outsourcing

Overseas job outsourcing was a campaign issue during the recent presidential election., Senator Kerry [cough -LOSER] accused President Bush of providing incentives to businesses who outsource jobs overseas. I know you were probably yawning along with me when he made this claim during the debates. But still, IT and call center type jobs seem to be moving overseas at an alarming rate, based on what I’ve read on the walls of local gas station bathrooms.
And no, I have no actual figures to back this claim up. But little things like the lack of figures and proof in no way stand in my way of finding a really simple solution to the problem.
My simple solution to this problem is actually quite breathtaking in its simplicity.
Drain the seas.
In fact, this is a solution to stopping overseas ANYTHING.
Overseas travel – dead in its tracks.
Overseas terrorism – Nothing more to fear.
Overseas pants – No leg to stand on.
Overseas not flossing after meals – stopped.
As you can see, it is pretty near a panacea for fixing any overseas problem and its simple!
Plagued with overseas job outsourcing? Drain the seas.
Problem solved, next problem please.
(Hey, that rhymed!)


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