
Hey, sportsfans. Meant to finish up “IMW: Unpoofy” this week but will have the final part Monday. Also, I’m finally inspired for another Hate-Filled Lefty comic.
As for the group blogging, I’m really liking how its going and think everyone will find his or her own niche. For those who don’t like it, well, all I can say is, “We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it.” I need to fix up the sidebar and change some of the files so their not so Frank-centric.
Also, I’m thinking of replacing the verbal greeting with a neat jingle. Maybe that will be the next contest: come with a great IMAO jingle for SarahK to sing.
Well, have a great weekend. I’m going shooting. Yee-haw!

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  1. Errrr, words I never expected to hear from the IMAO bloggers;
    “We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it.”
    Frank, methinks you didn’t tell your new bloggers everything they would be giving up by joining IMAO?

  2. Unpoofy bop
    Just blows me away
    Unpoofy bop,bop
    All night and day
    Unpoofy bop, bop, bop, bop
    She just loves to play
    Unpoofy bop,nothin’ more to say
    Yep,this group blog thingamajig is coming together quite nicely,Frank.Mucho kudos to all y’all.
    Btw Frank,if ya keep the targets after the shoot,howsabout showing them to us like ya did last year? We’ll trust your good word about the results,but we’d still like to see proof. 😉
    Y’all have a great day!

  3. There once was a site,
    A great monkey site,
    Where many a man came to stay.
    And they stayed for good,
    Frank J knew that they would,
    And one moved (the great sarahk)
    Now that you’re there,
    Better pull up a chair,
    For it’s time to see the funny roam!
    We’ve got an all star cast,
    Oh, this place is gonna last!

    So we’d like to say a big “Shalom!”

    Nuke the Moon! Blow it to dust!
    We’ll just love to see that big space rock combust!
    Hi to you!
    What does it mean?
    Hey! I don’t even know!
    sarahk! Say hi to her!
    Token chick, makes Frank his dinner!
    Texan girl,
    T-shirt babe is right!
    Harvey voted no,
    I don’t envy him his plight!
    RighWingDuck! Monologues great!
    Funniest duck, glad that he’s not on a plate
    Quite a guy!
    TV liked his quote,
    “A blogger with a sense of humor;”
    Oh, we love to gloat!
    Space Monkey! He lives up there!
    Followed Frank and SarahK
    Really he did! We swear!
    Jokes galore!
    Not your average Joe!
    When it comes to bein funny, on the highest plateau!
    Cadet Happy! What can we say?
    He made a site claiming to be sarahK
    But he’s not
    Or is he, lets think?
    Whoever he is-
    He’d better go see a shrink!
    Scott! Audio bits!
    He is the guy who voices all of Kerry’s fits!
    Michael Moore!
    Bush too!
    Boy, this guy is ready for a blogging debut!
    Harvey last! A rabbit who is keen!
    Jimmy Carter better watch out for his submarine!
    He’s got guts!
    Voted poorly, though.
    SarahK won anyway
    (Good thing she did, you know)
    Nuke the moon! Blow it to dust!
    We’ll just love to see that big space rock combust!
    What’s that noise?
    Who do I see?

  4. There once was a site,
    A great monkey site,
    Where many a man came to stay.
    And they stayed for good,
    Frank J knew that they would,
    And one moved (the great sarahk)
    Now that you’re there,
    Better pull up a chair,
    For it’s time to see the funny roam!
    We’ve got an all star cast,
    Oh, this place is gonna last!

    So we’d like to say a big “Shalom!”

    Nuke the Moon! Blow it to dust!
    We’ll just love to see that big space rock combust!
    Hi to you!
    What does it mean?
    Hey! I don’t even know!
    sarahk! Say hi to her!
    Token chick, makes Frank his dinner!
    Texan girl,
    T-shirt babe is right!
    Harvey voted no,
    I don’t envy him his plight!
    RighWingDuck! Monologues great!
    Funniest duck, glad that he’s not on a plate
    Quite a guy!
    TV liked his quote,
    “A blogger with a sense of humor;”
    Oh, we love to gloat!
    Space Monkey! He lives up there!
    Followed Frank and SarahK
    Really he did! We swear!
    Jokes galore!
    Not your average Joe!
    When it comes to bein funny, on the highest plateau!
    Cadet Happy! What can we say?
    He made a site claiming to be sarahK
    But he’s not
    Or is he, lets think?
    Whoever he is-
    He’d better go see a shrink!
    Scott! Audio bits!
    He is the guy who voices all of Kerry’s fits!
    Michael Moore!
    Bush too!
    Boy, this guy is ready for a blogging debut!
    Harvey last! A rabbit who is keen!
    Jimmy Carter better watch out for his submarine!
    He’s got guts!
    Voted poorly, though.
    SarahK won anyway
    (Good thing she did, you know)
    Nuke the moon! Blow it to dust!
    We’ll just love to see that big space rock combust!
    What’s that noise?
    Who do I see?

  5. Good on the going shooting. Have a great time.
    Put sound files on your blog and I’ll quit coming here. It takes a long enough time to load as it is.
    BTW, I’m an alien, (I’ve been assured of that by a believer in UFOs) but I’m not a spam-bot.

  6. I’ve kept my opinions about the change to a group blog to myself until now, but here goes;
    I was VERY skeptical, as I’ve long been a beleiver in “if it works, don’t fix it”. But, I was wrong. It seems to be great.
    I do admit, though, that I’m astounded that Frank J., with his long held and well know opinions about Monkeys, lets one blog here? Who woulda thunk it? 🙂
    Oh, one more thing, regarding making the blog less Frank-centric; I guess this means the blog has to get a name change, to IOAO? 🙂

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