Breathing and Its Newsworthiness

I was checking the villainous FOX News site today, and their top headline is “Pope Breathing on His Own.” Can’t most land creatures do that? Why does that make the news? Well, let me ask you this: Can the pope breathe on his own… underwater? I know I can. Shouldn’t that be the headline news: “Aquaman Breathing on His Own – Both on Land and in Sea!”
Why am I always getting cheated out of the news?


  1. Dude, I’m not a Catholic or anything, but come on! The guy’s like 103 years old! The fact that he’s breathing at all is pretty amazing.
    BTW how do you keep your chainmail shirt from rusting?

  2. I feel for the old timer but for gods sake QUIT TALKING ABOUT IT. All damn afternoon fox, cnn, everyone of them had fookn doctors on explaining this and that…jeez meng stfu and let that man be…
    /rant off 🙂

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