Foam Finger Fun

Foam fingers are a lot of fun. You can hold them up and without saying a word express to the world the opinion that your team is number 1. They come designed in a surprisingly wide variety suited to express other sentiments as well. These other sentiments range from a gnarly ‘hang loose’ to a tender ‘I love you’ to well… another, one finger communication.

A coworker of mine brought one (the ‘number one’ variety) of them back from vacation (holiday for any Brits out there reading) during which she went to an Atlanta Braves game.
While I was looking upon said giant foam finger and pondering the sentiment it expressed, I had..[dramatic pause] idea.
What if we were to kick the maturity level down a notch and at the same time kick the fun level up a notch? That always seems to work, doesn’t it?
Imagine the general hilarity that would ensue at sporting events if you took those same large foam fingers (guaranteeing, of course, the fun you’ve come to expect with such novelty devices) and you also took along with it a proportionately large foam nose that you could wear like a hat. Are you picking up what I’m putting down?
Yeah you know what I’m sayin’. You dig? You know what you’d do, the exact same thing I’d do. Yeah! Now there’s some high quality/low brow entertainment!
Now lets move one more notch on the maturity/fun scale in the same direction as before. Throw in a large hand drawn sign that says ‘I pick the [name of favorite team] and I flick the [name of opponents] and you’re practically guaranteed coverage on the jumbo-vision screen and/or television coverage.
Wheee! Boogie all night!
One word of warning: DO NOT use all caps on the word ‘flick’. That looks entirely too much like a word that television networks tend to get brutal multimillion-dollar fines for using. They would no doubt ignore you and any capitalization malfunction you might be showing on your sign.
Now, go have some fun.


  1. Hummm, Frank, the doctor told you not to skip your medicine.
    Just kidding, I can’t wait to see this at the next hockey game.
    yeah I know…but the flick made me think of the HNL players union

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