Frank’s Happy Dance: Captured Live!

I was hanging out with Frank last Saturday, and he was feeling a little tipsy, so I thought I’d ask him to show me that Happy Dance he was always bragging about. He demurred, claiming that he’d forgotten the DVD at home.
But after seeing the crestfallen look on my face, he felt sorry for me and offered to perform it live, out on the patio by the pool.
“Just wait right here,” said Frank, “and I’ll go put on my tux. The Happy Dance ain’t NOTHIN’ unless I’m doing it in my tux.”
So he changes into his tux, and the next thing you know, he’s out by the pool, be-boppin’ & scattin’ around like a crazy man.
It was awesome.
Fortunately, someone had the presence of mind to turn on a video camera, so I can offer you this completely unauthorized version of the Frank J. Happy Dance (1 Meg WMV file)
Oh, and for you on-the-clock surfers, it IS work safe.


  1. Ha! Oh, Frank, you doof. You’ll never comprehend that the MSM has fired up the furnace and you simpleton bloggers are marching in single file to your –
    Wait a minute! That’s not Frank at all! That’s one of the homo penguins I hooked up with some meth last weekend!

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