Fun Trivia

Who is this Gannon character all the lefty blogs and DU are obsessing about?

I’m not quite sure, but I believe you need silver arrows to defeat him.

One Comment

  1. I did what was supposed to be a quicky search on the left’s attempted exposing of the true identity of Jeff Gannon and got lost for over an hour in left wing looney space. Geez. Looks like they are mostly having field day with the prospect of this right wing journalist’s possibly being gay/into gay porn. What they haven’t considered is the possibility that he has now gone underground due to his true identity (?) and home adress (?) being made public, harrassment and death threats from lefty wackos. Whatever the case may be, I’m pretty certain the journalist did not put his sexual preferences and love of porn on his job applications making the entire “moral values” crowd culpible for one man’s actions (as the pinko-commies are saying). The way they are handling this angle, insulting gays in general, is going to backfire on them, oh yes it is. I’m not a supporter of the gay agenda but they made ME sick with their hypocracy in a DKos thread. I think homosexuality is a sin but am all for the personal choice to go to hell without your wife and children being put at risk for political gain.

  2. Andy, I want to thank you SOO MUCH for that thread. Pardon me while I bleach my eyes…
    Gah. I made it 14 posts before stopping. Someone is suggestingt that Bush could be impeached over this. WTF?

  3. In the newer Zelda games (which take place earlier in the timeline apparently) you stun him with the Light Arrows and do the hurting with the Master Sword.
    In the older Zelda games, you stun him with the Master Sword and do the hurting with the silver arrows.

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