Fun Trivia

Who invented the group blog?



  1. If this is a group blog, then you’re also posting somewhere else, right Frank? How ’bout some links, or is it the same info posted on multiple sites?
    You’re not all wearing speedos, are you?

  2. It’s just a group blog now? Damn, you disappoint me Frank. I was expecting something more significant, like you had discovered an economical means for cold fusion or something. Bastard. You got my hopes up, and didn’t live up to them. I’m going to go cry now. WAAAAAHHH!!! OK, I’m done.
    The group blog thing will hopefully work out. Where there’s room for one funny smartass, there’s room for a few of his friends.

  3. First off, FrankJ you do some funny stuff. So that said, I have to be honest and say I don’t care much for the group blog. I read IMAO for your stuff, and although the other bloggers have their moments, it just isn’t the same.

  4. Thank you for trying to give us more funny, Frank. That was very thoughtful. I am trying to decide what I think of the group blogging. The, um, tastefulness of the posts have taken a “nose” dive. Lap dancing and foam finger fun in one day. Can the other bloggers in the group graduate from the junior high topics? Assuming they aren’t junior highers, that is.

  5. Folks, give it a chance.
    Each of the fokls in this group is funny and talented, an hopefully talented at being funny.
    It just takes a while for a group blog, esepcially one that started as an individual blog, to gel.
    Relax, and just go with the flow, you dig???…

  6. I didn’t have a chance to write this when you posted this, but I’m throwing Johnny-O’s BS flag on this one.
    My blog is “WeSwear” for a reason – it’s a group blog.
    But the fact that your Fun Trivia is a joke is what makes it funny. So I won’t call you a wanker on that. 🙂

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