Have a Good Weekend

I’ll be meeting up with other bloggers this weekend and coming back with more funny as usual this Monday.
Until then, read your Bibles. Peace, yo.


    Federal Court Finds DNC Chair Howard Dean’s Judicial Appointees Guilty
    In a 1997 Vermont Press Bureau article, Howard Dean expressed his desire to appoint judges that were not so concerned about the Bill of Rights — or in Howard Dean lingo “legal technicalities”.
    Howard kept his aim true. Within two months of his proclamation, he appointed Nancy Corsones and Patricia Zimmerman to the Vermont bench.
    Shortly afterward, Vermont prosecutors set their sites on a local activist. Judge Corsones chose to advance justice in Vermont by violating the activist’s rights against double jeopardy, his right to counsel and his right to due process. Later, the Vermont Supreme Court sided with the activist and threw out the bogus criminal charges.
    One spring morning in Rutland Vermont, the activist appeared at Judge Corsones’ courthouse with signs on his van that detailed the Judge’s problems with the Bill of Rights. The signs correctly labeled the Judge a “Butcher of the Constitution”.
    Judge Corsones’ solution — banish the activist from the courthouse — for life.
    In January of 2005 the United States Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan found that judgment should issue against Judge Corsones and her colleague for violation of the First Amendment rights to free expression and to courthouse access.
    Kudos to Howard Dean for truly accomplishing his proclaimed goals of subverting the Bill of Rights, or in this example, subversion of the First, Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the United States Constitution via judicial appointments. Sympathy to the Democratic Party for choosing such an arrogant and ignorant leader.
    Scott Huminski

  2. Just saw your W2 tee and can’t help but wonder: You are aware that Iraq has no ties to 9/11, no ties to Osama Bin Laden, and no WMD right?
    Some of the people dying in Iraq are undoubtedly terrosits. Many more are not. They are simply humans fighting a brutal occupation of their conuntry in pursuit of access to cheap oil and permanent military bases. Because of the Bush war on journalism, we have only the estimates of The Lancet and Johns Hopkins University to go on: Over 100,000 dead Iraqi civilians since last October.
    Please read what Sister Joan Chittister has to say on the subject at the National Catholic Reporter. http://www.nationalcatholicreporter.org/fwis/fw012705.htm
    Please view the linked pictures and reconsider your tee shirt design and whether a Christian can support this unjust war in good conscience.

  3. Who the heck does this pinky toe think he is? Go away troll, lest you get smacked. Could you point out this cheap oil to me? i’m paying $2 a gallon for petrol. WMD did exist and if it isn’t being used in IED’s every couple of weeks, its in the Bekka Valley over the border, which we’ll find in about 24 months. As to links to 9/11 and Osama, better go read the reports again and stop swallowing the drivel the mainstream media keeps feeding you.

  4. Frankie, Babe–
    Lose the bible stuff– it’s just not that funny. Sure, it’s kind of wry, and it definitely says “FrankJ”, only it doesn’t say it very well.
    And there’s gotta be more going on at IMAO HQ that just bible study.
    Bring back the funny, Frank.

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