IMAO Quoted on MSNBC!

Apparently, the staff at MSNBC’s new show Connections: Coast To Coast found something quotable to quote from IMAO since it became a group blog. That’s correct, RightWingDuck got quoted on TV. Go Ducky! They also quoted the Unfair. Unbalanced. Unmedicated. tagline. Go Frank!
Did you see it, NO? I missed it too.
But fear not, fellow ronin, all is not lost. For Trey Jackson of Jackson’s Junction has more details and he even has a video clip of the segment where they quote IMAO.
I noticed the MSNBC graphic listed the URL as IMAO.COM instead of IMAO.US. I guess CBS has hired up all the competent fact checkers in an effort to prevent another Rathergate and the other networks are suffering for it.
IMAO readers probably ought to pay this show some more attention since it has demonstrated excellent taste in blogs. And it’s time for a round of back-slapping.
Update: MSNBC links correctly and directly to IMAO.US, here. (Scroll down.)
Update2: This was what was quoted.

Might not be all bad, though. If you show up at the polls and the lines are long — you can always find a good game of Three Card Monte.


  1. Actually, Scott, that was Spacemonkey’s post, but I’ll take credit for it because I’m a thieving bastard.
    Anyway, is a Korean industrial manufacturing site.
    But if people Google IMAO, they should find us OK.
    An amusing (to me) sidenote: if you Google “unfair unbalanced unmedicated” (without quotes) my old Bad Money site actually ranks higher than any IMAO posts 🙂

  2. In unrelated commentary, here is a conversation I had with my friend – Frank, pay attention:
    Me: I hate the group IMAO. The bloggers are all good, but it is diluting Frank J.
    Friend: I know. It’s to the point where I read his “In My World” and I didn’t even find it funny.
    Me: Although SarahK is in on this group blog loserness, she needs to beat some sense into Frank, whether she agrees with the reasons why or not.

  3. well, i’m still undecided on the group blog thing. i mean, i MEAN, while i have IMAO, mountaineermusings, mountaineermusing, rightwingduck and Bad Example bookmarked (sorry, flyingspacemonkey, haven’t gotten around to you yet), i kinda like having all the different types of funny in different spaces. but, i’m from California, and out here we are a little bit more tolerant about mixing things together than in other parts of this great country of ours. not saying it’s right, but since you did assemble a good group of bloggers to become part of IMAO, i’ll give it a try before i pass any kind of judgement.
    just an idea… could you do color codes on the bylines so people looking just for Frank J.(or any other favorite author) could find that person’s post faster?
    anyway, i’m a fan of all of your blogs, except for spacemonkey, who i haven’t really read yet, but am on my way over to check it out. hope that the group blog works out if it is really what you want to do.

  4. way to go Ducky!
    and spacemonkey, i’d bet that 5:20 p.m. thing is a permalink… 🙂
    goodness, group blogging for what, 2 days? and already a tv mention. and all you naysayers should give it a chance. with a blog, a chance has got to be longer than 2 days… just sayin.

  5. You all realize of course that this was just a way of marginalizing the view that felons shouldn’t be able to vote, right?
    Notice on the FDA thing on that clip, it’s all serious, and proposing BIGGER government intervention on something, but when they come around to felons voting, the only people opposed to it are unmedicated and cracking jokes…
    I’m glad y’all got quoted, but it seems suspicious to me.

  6. So is a Korean site? North or South? Because I went there by accident once, and I thought it was a Communist Chinese site and that I was on a CIA hit-list somewhere. If it’s South Korea, I’m probably stilll cool with Homeland Security, but if it’s North…..

  7. or the guy who recorded it…. Keep up the Great (and funny)work. BTW: I will not add an opinion on the ‘group’ debate, but I would like to point out to everyone that spacemonkey was very kind in his communications with me. Does that make him funny? That’s for you all to decide. But he is a good guy, If forced, I’d say cut him some slack for atleast 1 month. let him find his place and get acquainted with what each of you are looking for. After a month, if no funny…well…no job. Best wishes spacemonkey!

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