Links of the Day

Laurence Simon, in an uncharacteristically PG-rated post 😉 , has tips for protecting your identity.

Most credit card companies ask for your mother’s maiden name to confirm who you are. Change the question to your father’s maiden name and nobody will ever get past their lax security.

there’s much more where that came from. go see.
Carnival of the Recipes #28 is up over at Rocket Jones. go read that yummy goodness. oh, and the first person to send me the Chocolate Kahlua Trifles a la Christina is my new favorite.
Gullyborg has the second edition of Carnival of the Cordite. i don’t know what that is, but it has something to do with guns, so i’m all for it.
finally, Pinwheels is in Alaska (from Guam) this week because he’s up for the Air Mobility Squadron Officer of the Year award or something like that. good luck and congratulations, Pinwheels. (thanks to the Bebe for the tipoff.)


  1. Thanks to the boneheadedness of ultra corrupt ChoicePoint, Axciom, and PayMaxx, it doesn’t matter how hard you try to protect your identity. Those amazingly astoundingly retarded companies sell your indentity to criminals, and post it on insecure webpages. Do a quick search on those companies, and grow depressed.

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