More Prayers for the Pope

Everyone ignore Aquaman and keep praying for the pope. He’s done so much good throughout his life, and he’s determined to stay here with us on earth as long as he can to keep doing so. I say we give him our support, as each day for him is a triumph of strength.


  1. I don’t understand something here. No disrespect meant, it’s an honest question. Why is he still the Pope? John Paul has Parkinsons and a tracheostomy. He is bedridden and ill, can’t write and now can no longer speak. How could he possibly be an effective leader for the Catholic church?

  2. The Papacy is a life-office. Much like the Supreme Court, it’s members often survive in office long after their days of vitality are past. Of course, let’s never make the mistake of thinking that old=useless. It’s called respect, guys.
    I’m a Christian, but I’m not Catholic; I have a lot of theological arguments against what many Catholics believe is the role of the Pope, but I won’t disrespect him because of his age, frailty, feebleness, or illness.
    So Aquaman can go jump in the lake.

  3. Well, I’m not Cathoilic but I’d say the Cardinals are probably running the show now. Popes serve a lifetime, and rarely retire. He has served one of the longest papacies ever, and done a lot of good things. When his time does come, it will probably ge a good thing for the church to have a more energized leader.

  4. Since when does age matter? He is a VERY smart Pope. We could all only hope to do 10% of what he has accomplished. God will take him when He is through with him – same goes for the rest of us – only for members of the DNC, God will take THEM when He has had enough.
    Wow, I think I could actually write a political theology blog now.
    Not related, but I think Frank should lengthen the anti spam bot fool code to 28 alphanumeric characters similar to the activation code on certain major software packages AND change the name to something more fitting. Oh wait, that wouldn’t work, we wouldn’t see any commrants from drunk idiots that can’t type.

  5. I have two questions. The first one is: Auquman, what is your freakin’ problem? That sh*t ain’t funny. Not in the least. We (bloggers) slam on people mercilously, true. But we crush Bad people. Not the freakin’ Pope.
    My second question is to FrankJ. Why in the name of all that is good did you let this *sshole Aquaman into your otherwise fantastic blog? Please tell me he’s a relative or maybe an “at risk” kid that you’re mentoring.

  6. I agree. Drown aquaman in his own bodily fluids. He is a waste of time and space here.
    Frank, are you still reading the Bible? A lot of people give up without making it past Genesis. Tell me you’re not one of ’em.

  7. On McWert’s second point, I concur – it’s usually best to not read from front to back like a novel. John and Romans is a great place to start, and then get your background later.
    On his first point, yeah, enough already. It would be one thing if it was obnoxious and funny; it is only obnoxious. He’s not the only one, either.

  8. I wasn’t commenting on his age but his physical ability to perform his offices. He seems remarkably lucid but if he can’t communicate effectively he isn’t being a very good Pope.
    Like johnny mentioned, I’ve had the impression that he hasn’t been leading much of anything for quite some time now. It seems degrading to the office to me. Like a puppet Pope.

  9. Jim, John, do you think the Pope has just been kicking back lately? The man just published another book for mass consumption, making the case again for the Culture of Life. He does more work, crippled, than most world leaders could dream of. And JP’s work actually makes the world better. It’s a bit early to start counting him out.

  10. See…that’s just it. Did John Paul write it or did a Cardinal?
    But what does that matter anyway? He can write books without being Pope. A book by an ex-Pope would have the same weight as one by the same person when he was Pope. And then a more physically able person could be doing the more taxing responsibilities of the position.

  11. No, but he’s supposed to address the flock, preach, etc. He can no longer do this.
    On the inveterate side, a kickboxing Pope would be Sweeeeeet. Y’all would get a serious number of converts with a kickboxing Pope.

  12. Jim, there are no ex-popes. It’s hard for Americans who enjoy limited-term democracy as a form of government to understand how the lifetime commitment of the Papacy not only works but is beneficial to a spiritual community.
    As others have said, Pope John Paul II has done more for this world than any of its various leaders over the past few decades. The fact that he IS still active is only a testament of his dedication to his ministry. That inspires people. Many elderly people look up to the pope as a role-model for their own personal lives. He proves everyday that the elderly and/or disabled cannot only contribute to society, but affect it in great ways.
    The pope is in my prayers everyday. We have all- Catholic or otherwise- been blessed with Pope John Paul II’s presence here on earth. We’ve lived as contemporaries to one of history’s most influential figures, and one of the world’s clearest examples of a living saint.

  13. Okay, I think I get it. I’m thinking too much practical/business when it is in essence a purely spiritual matter.
    Now, on to more important things… When does the kickboxing Pope appear in In My World to kick Howard Dean’s ass?

  14. OK, I’m not exactly what one would consider a “religious” person but I do think of myself as being spiritual. I align myself with no religion at all but rather the spirituality behind religion in general. If and when the time comes that I find a religion that appeals to me, my affiliation may change.
    Now, that said, I have a lot of respect for the Pope and the role he plays in the Catholic community. It’s been over 600 years since the last Pope resigned so I see no need to change that now. “Did he write the book or did a Cardinal?” What difference does it make, meaning for example, Bruce Lee’s first book was physically written by his wife but it was Bruce who told her what to write. (He was a little disabled at the time) I’m thinking the Pope most likely had his words transcribed by another, either way, he was still the force behind the words.
    I hope for the best for JPII and as it’s been said here earlier, he will leave this world when his work here is finished, just like all of us. Everything happens for a reason and given that in the Catholic community this is the time of Lent, I believe that JPII serves as a banner for the suffering of Christ by going through his own suffering, if you will.
    Basically, his time and his work is not finished yet and how are we to know whether this experience will bring about a whole new book (even if he doesn’t “write” it) that will help the world?
    Just my .02. Thanks for your time!

  15. BWA HA HA HA!
    SUCKERS! I deceived you all! I’ve continued the papal heritage/heresy handed down since the first of us decided he was Peter’s heir!
    You! Call me “Father”, in violation of Scripture! Worship the idols we’ve set up in the church! Buy these indulgences and circumvent repentance as the only true way to be saved! Worship me, the saints, and this sacred horseshoe that adorned the hoof of the donkey that carried Jesus into Jerusalem! Start an Inquisition! Burn those who disagree with us! Suppress your natural sexual urges and live a life of lonely celibacy simply because you want to serve God and were duped by some self-important ponce who says it’s the only way to go! SERVE ME! WORSHIP ME, NOT GOD!
    – Pope JP

  16. Gee, Catholicism really brings out the worst in these Devil Worshippers…I think that’s why they feel the need to attack the Church so vehemently!! I guess they want a religion that makes it ‘easy’ for them. That’s definitely the Devil’s way. I’ll do what Jesus has asked us to do by praying for them.
    Pax Domini sit Semper Vobiscum
    (that fake JP commenting up there sounds like he REALLY needs some Pax)

  17. Pax THIS, Dixie!
    I am the Pope, and therefore I have more credibility than GOD! WORSHIP ME! I started this false religion centuries ago so I would be rich and have as many women as I wanted! And now I just switch bodies every 70 or so years. This one is just about worn out, but I’m going to play it out for a while longer, because I love sympathy. Next up is some poor deluded priest in Guadalajara, Mexico, who flagellates himself daily because of his predilection for 16-year-old boys. Such is the life of the POPE.
    Now….worship me! Go!
    Pope JP

  18. These anti-Christs just get so annoying sometimes! Perfect example of a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. (Either that, or your medication needs to be adjusted yet again, fake JP.)
    Once again,
    Pax Domini sit Semper Vobiscum

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