My Only Serious Post

In the comments to Frank J.’s post announcing that IMAO has become a group blog, loyal reader Beo brought up an excellent point:

If I wanted to read their stuff, I’d go to … anyone? THEIR SITES.
I’d rather get one good Frnak post a week than 10000 other posts I have to sort through.

For my part, this point is well-taken. Being a long-time IMAO reader myself, I’m PAINFULLY aware of what IMAO readers expect from and enjoy about this site, and I will do my utmost to provide only the high-quality funny that Frank J.’s fans have come to expect. I’m also aware of my status – in most readers’ minds – as an unknown, uninvited, unwanted interloper who nobody has ever heard of, and who has a LOT of proving to do before being accepted as worthy.
I accept this challenge, and will do what I can to win your hearts and minds.
I will do no personal blogging or completely gratuitous IMAO-lanching to my little blog-friends. If it’s not likely to make you blow coffee out your nose, I’m not going to post it.
Frank J. has worked his ass off to make IMAO what it is today, and I’m fully aware that it’s my responsibility to either conform to his vision or be summarily dismissed without argument or appeal.
I side with his vision.
Give me funny or give me death.
NOTE: Anyone who leaves a “death” comment will be beaten with a hamster and forced to listen to William Hung’s rendition of “She Bangs” on endless loop. You’ve been warned.


  1. I’m not really a fan of the group blog for such reasons, but I can honestly say that you are my favorite of the others, ever since you first guest blogged on here, you won’t have much trouble living up to the challenge

  2. I’m usually critical of change,but I’ve learned that Frank is a good judge of character.If he likes ya,then I like ya.And from what I’ve read of y’alls posts,I know this group blogging thing ain’t gonna be as bad as I initially thought.I’m already familiar with SarahK and RightWingDuck (both never fail to make me glad I stopped by),and I’m eager to see what Harvey,SpaceMonkey,Scott and Cadet Happy will come up with.
    Best wishes,guys.

  3. DO we get a vote? If this newbie isn’t up to the standards of LMAO, if he is only good enough to rate a LOL (or a Heh), do we get final say on if the newbie gets the hook.
    Also I think we should throw fruit and vegetables at the newbies. Food projectiles are an under aprecciated form of audience to entertainer feedback
    origin of the word Feedback? heh

  4. Its much easier for me to go to ONE site for all the funny. Lots of times when Frank mentions you guys’ sites, I’ll admit it, I’m just too lazy to follow the hyperlink. You guys are just as funny, I just cant muster the motivation necessary to click.
    Some people are afraid of change. We call these people democrats.

  5. Papertiger: I suppose you could always e-mail Frank and suggest that the readership be allowed to vote off one of the co-bloggers.
    Of course, that e-mail would probably go into his pile of 400+ “flagged for follow-up” e-mails that he’s been ignoring for months, so I’m not particularly worried 🙂

  6. I want the pure Frank J back. None of this group blog stuff. Sorry, Harvey, but you are nothing compared to the greatness that is Frank J. When I first told my friends that IMAO became a group blog and the legacy of Frank J was defiled by imposters, they were very disappointed. It still hasn’t sunk in, actually. It’s sort of like if they banned hand guns or canceled the Fourth of July. It’s just not right. FRANK! BRING BACK CLASSIC IMAO!
    I may change my opinion if I get a permalink, though, you email ignorer. I will not give upon my permalink ( until it is given to me! You hear me, Frank J?! Permalink, Classic IMAO! This is an order, not a suggestion. Thanks.

  7. Mongo, i guess Frank was just supposed to stay single forever so all the fans of IMAO could have his undivided attention. plus he was never supposed to put out the IMW book that everyone’s demanding, never supposed to write his novel…

  8. Yeah, I’m a little suprised that peeps (although only a few) have the odacity to complain what Frank does with his blog.
    That’s like someone coming into your home and saying “I don’t like the carpeting.”
    I won’t say STFU, but I’m close.

  9. HARvey
    I love your comedy-(probably…) it’s just I have all these assorted fruits and vegetables lying around taking up valuable shelf space.
    I used to be Democrat, so I’m used to not having my vote count, or my e-mails answered. I’ll adjust. No need to pay for my psychatric bill.
    PS maybe I’ll just save the fruit and veggies for throwing at the TV screen during the Academy awards show.

  10. Papertiger – by all means, hurl away.
    I figure I’ve got a LOT of dues to pay before I’m accepted around here.
    I’ve got to prove that I can be consistently funny and be able to post regularly over the long haul in order to earn any respect as a member of IMAO.

  11. Bad bad bad people.
    I have a good ear for music (well, noise) and some difficulty clearing songs out of my head.
    Forcing me to recall “She Bangs” is really bad enough; did you have to mention William Hung? If I can’t get this out of my head soon I may choose death.
    YAAAAAAARGH (hey, maybe that is what was wrong with Howard Dean… Karl Rove piping William Hung into his earpiece)…

  12. Wow, I’ve been quoted. Like I said, it’s nothing personal against you. Maybe against some of the others, though… choke
    Like I said elsewhere, I still think IMAO just jumped the shark. SarahK – absolutely, I understand why Frank has (and should have) less time to spend on the blog. But then I never liked it when he brought guest bloggers in for his weekend trips, either. My preference is to go a few days without a Frank post than to fill up empty space with other people’s posts that consist of 14,578 lines of text (coughDUCKcough).
    Anyways, just glad my $.02 were heard by someone. Now I’ll shut up about it. Last one to leave IMAO, please take the flag with you.

  13. Someone did that to me once, _Jon! She came right into my house and said “well, i would never get carpet this light because it seems like it would get stained too quickly”.. Like I didn’t already know that with 2 kids, 2 dogs and 2 cats!
    Anyway, Ummmmm..I like it, though not as much as before..but I’m sure it’ll grow on me.. Now, what about another t-shirt babe contest..I’m bored and just bought a really tight t-shirt! (or not)

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