Obligatory “Hello” Post

HELLO my name is spacemonkey
Hello. My name is spacemonkey. What is your name? Nice to meet you.

Aren’t introductions awkward?
Well, I really don’t know if you’ve ever heard of me before. I have a blog to call my own. Its the Flying Space Monkey Chronicles and I post my general geeky weirdness there. I’ve been blogging since Sept 23, 2003. But my entanglement with IMAO runs a ways back too. Did I say entanglement? I meant something nicer.
In March of 2004, ah yes, I remember it like it was just last year, I <a href=””http://frankjfanclub.blogspot.com/2004/03/welcome-to-frank-j-fan-club.html”>set up the Frank J Fan Club at Franks behest command even though I am a guy, a guy who’s straight. I also remember the first rule of the Frank J Fan Club which prohibits me from saying anything else about the Frank J Fan Club. STRAIGHT!
Later, I gave Frank an invitation to get a gmail account in the hopes of getting a Frank-alanche in return.
It worked.
my frankalanche
(Don’t tell Frank J., but I also gave one to a certain puppy blender. in the hopes of getting an Instalanche.
Of course THAT didn’t work. But then, demons warn their little demon kids to eat all their vegetables or the ‘bloggyman’ will get them, so what SHOULD I have expected?
Shortly thereafter, I also gave Sarahk her gmail account back in her pre t-shirt babe days, before the Grand Canyon trip.
Just last month I stalked both Frank J. and Sarahk. They both lived and I escaped incarceration.
Somewhere in the middle of all this, several of the bloggers who are now the other new group-sters in the IMAO Blog have at times, guest blogged here. I however did not. Not that I am bitter about that or anything. Really. I’m not.
Why? Because I am here, now, doing this here group blog thing.
Maybe this is the stuff I should put in my about me page or some of it anyway. STRAIGHT!


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