Satire is a heavy burden for one man. There are so many issues in the day that many end up getting un-made fun of because of my other duties. Thus, after careful deliberation and much alcohol, I made the decision to turn IMAO into a group blog made of my hand picked “dream team.”
Harvey: An invisible six foot rabbit who writes for Bad Example.
RightWingDuck: Token duck. Apparently also writes humor of some sort.
Cadet Happy: Expert of photoshop. Sometime imitates me or SarahK to confuse readers. I told him to stop that (well, SarahK I don’t care about).
Scott McCollum: May recognize him as the voice work in the audio bits. Not as good imitating people in type, but I thought I’d give him a chance anyway.
FlyingSpaceMonkey: Apparently a monkey from space that flies or something. Just adding him so he won’t try and run me off the road again.
SarahK: Token chick. Makes me dinner.
Frank J.: The humble and talented genius of IMAO you all know and love.
Everyone will have different amount of time to write, but hopefully now you’ll have plenty of humor posts each day. Plus, soon I’ll have About Me files up for each writer. We’ll all probably have an adjustment period, but then IMAO will become the greatest blog in all of existence and the MSM will tremble before our might and wit.
That said, let’s get started with the new IMAO…

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  1. So are you guys (and girl) combining into a single group blog and giving up your seperate blogs or is this venture more like perpetual guest blogging on top of your seperate blog ?
    … I kinda like The Ducks seperate blog.

  2. I’m not sure how I feel about it. It’s definitely a Dream Team (all my favorites anyway). But will it dilute the “IMAO-ness” of IMAO? And Adam asked my question, “Is it now IOAO?” Hmmmm? I’ll go sleep on it.

  3. I hate the group blog. I like each blogger and all, but it is diluting Frank J it sucks completely and needs to be rectified and remembered as nothing more than a bad idea and an awkward phase. No group blog! I want my unadulterated Frank J!

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