Things that make you go “Hmmmmmmm.”

I was listening to my favorite radio program the other night, The Phil Hendrie Show, and Phil posited the following: “If the Baby Jesus were alive today, would he have have to ride in a car seat?” There are two aspects to this interesting question: first, would the Baby Jesus be bound by laws requiring his use of a car seat, and second would the Baby Jesus need a car seat to protect himself from harm.
In regard to the first aspect, I think that the Baby Jesus probably would be bound by car seat laws. There is no precedent for a spiritual being beating a traffic ticket by offering “divinity” as a defense. Furthermore, the Baby Jesus allowed himself to be judged pursuant to Roman law during his first visit to the Earth, so I would think he would recognize the laws of the much more legitimate governing bodies of today.
In regard to the second aspect, the Baby Jesus probably wouldn’t need a car seat for personal protection. For one, as the Son of God, he must have something akin to “spidersense” that would allow him to see danger coming and avoid it. Also, I would expect he would have some sort of “magnum” power like Zoolander to prevent objects from hitting him–only on a much greater scale. Finally, even if the Baby Jesus couldn’t stop every projectile hurtling towards him from hitting him, he could simply heal himself or raise himself from the dead. I think the only danger to the Baby Jesus while riding in a car would be if it was foretold that he was to die in a car accident to forgive our sins.

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  1. That one’s a lot easier to answer than the “Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons” question.
    But,of course, Jesus wouldn’t actually need a car seat because God’s plans cannot be thwarted (i.e. all the boys being murdered when both Moses and Jesus were babies and yet they were both spared).

  2. I’ve got to admit..I’ve listened to him in small doses hundreds of times over the years, and he’s not all that funny to me. Talented I’ll grant you, at times provocative, but I rarely find myself amused. I was actually happy when they moved him down the dial here in LA and replaced him with John Zeigler.

  3. Nah, Gullyborg, Phil is a DINO (Democrat in Name Only). In case anyone was wondering, my email address is in reference to one of Phil’s bits from a year or two ago when one of his characters had enlisted the help of a less-than-capable young man named Bobby to help with airport security. Last time I checked, part of the bit is animated in one free section at his site.

  4. “Plane go boom–pants go brown!”
    I’m a Lance Ensign in the C.A.P. Beaver Brigade.
    My favorite one ever–one that I have listened to at least three dozen times since last spring–is the one where Vernon hates customers who complain about the cost of gasoline. Great line from that one: “When they figure out a way to mount a gas tank on that big wheel of yours, come see me.”

  5. Yeah, a worth-while set of questions to ask.
    I agree with your first answer, he would follow the laws of the state.
    But your second one has already been answered, and it disagrees with your answer. When Jesus was tempted by satan to jump off a building to “prove” his faith, Jesus declined citing that his faith required no proof and that such an action would be an insult to the Lord. So, by my interpretation, baby Jesus would use a car seat because he wouldn’t want to offend his Father with acts that would test his Father’s love.
    Sorry, that wansn’t a funny response, and I know this is satire blog, but the answer was in my head and wanted out.
    Besides, I’m trying to make nice with sarahK for all the swearing I did at the BEF party. 🙂
    And mebbe I can impress her enough to switch from FrankJ to moi. Although I doubt she would drive from Florida to Michigan. LOL

  6. Cadet H., Is that the one where they mess around with the walkie-talkie feature on their cell phones and Vernon’s mentally-challenged brother says “ding-ding” whenever someone drives up?

  7. No, the “ding ding” one is a different episode. That one has Vernon’s brother hangs out with him down at the family service station. Vernon unhooks the bell, and lets his brother go “ding ding” when cars come in. He also wears a hubcap on his head, and Vernon complains about wiping slobber from his chin. I can’t quite recall what the main conflict in that one was. I think it had something with his mom dying, and he blaming his customers for it.

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