Who the Hell They Are II

Whoops. Forgot to check my Spam box. If an e-mail contains a link and little text, there is a good chance it winds up there. Thus happened to many links to answers to my questions.
Well, here are more blogs who answered the challenge. Check them out and see if they are worthy of having opinions.

Manic Viking
All You Need to Know
Core Dump
dead guy
Just Wang-tastic
Level5 Blog
The Chapin Nation
Inside Larry’s Head
That Whole Rigamarole
Adventures in Drinking
Tim Worstall
The View from the Bunker
Your Philosophy Sucks
Conservative Thoughts from Bunny’s Minds Eye
The Last Call
Army Geeks


  1. I still can not get SharaK’s jpg’s to open up in either Internet Explorer or Firefox.
    As for the gingle for the top of the blog. Sung to the tune of = “I’m a Girl Watcher”
    I’m a IMHO Blogger
    I’m a IMHO Blogger
    and I love to use my satire to spit in the liberals eyes
    I’m a IMHO Blogger
    I’m a IMHO Blogger
    and I love to catch all the MSN’s in their lame Lies
    We are IMHO Bloggers
    We are IMHO Bloggers
    and we love to ridicule democrats and criticize
    You can take it from there.

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