Yay! One Day of Group Blogging!

Minerva has gotten good at getting into the closet with my guns, and Sydney severed one of my phone lines. Do you think they’re plotting something?
I hate cats.
Anyway, I ain’t feeling so good, so I’m going to go lay on the couch. I will post something later, though.
So, what do you all think of the group blogging so far? I know some people complained of the content, but I always thought of this as a PG-13 blog and mean to keep it at that level (if it’s allowed on prime time TV, you might see it here). And I like my group bloggers, and think they’re cool. Some won’t have a chance to post for a little bit, but I’m hoping we’ll have a great big mess of humor in the end.
Later, ronin.

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  1. i agree that the content should toned down. i’m really not offended by it, but theres really been very little pg-13ness on imao in the past, and i really don’t think that it does anything to enhance the funny.

  2. It has to be PG-13 because T-Shirt Babe won’t allow Frank to see anything else. Also, everytime Franks goes to a web site with raunchy stuff on it, Sydney chews on the phone lines. Some kind of special cat fettish.

  3. FrankJ, the cat blender!
    I knew it was a bad idea when you picked up that stinkin’ fur-ball. I mean, come on! You’re NOT gay. Were you just trying to impress the new babe or something? “Ooh! Look at me! I’m sensitive, because I have a cat!”
    CRAP! Cats are evil, vile little vermin that women use to make us weak!

  4. I like the group blog, and didn’t think that the content has been significantly worse “rating”-wise than before. It’s not that anything posted yesterday rates worse than PG-13, it’s just that there’s more material on that end of the spectrum. That being said, the posts have been good ones, and I encourage everyone involved to keep up the good work!
    And for the record, the foam finger/foam nose idea cracked my pinky toe up, and it makes me want to make a big foam nose hat. :oD

  5. Austin Powers is rude, crude, and disgusting. not funny in the least.
    btw, i think it’s so cute how y’all are all too afraid to say which humor it is y’all object to. um, duh.
    i actually hated the lapdance post, but that’s more because my psycho x was quite fond of strip clubs, so i don’t so much like to talk or read about them. it wasn’t funny to me but i could have skipped it if i’d wanted to, as can anyone else here…

  6. I don’t think so Frank. I come to IMAO for Frankfunny, not everybodyelsefunny. And ya, some of the funny ain’t so; not quite as “cerebral” as yours. (BTW,I do visit other blogs, but yours & Whittle’s are the only two bookmarked- that should tell you SOMETHING)

  7. FrankJ,
    I have to agree, somewhat, with OldManWinters. The “unique FrankJ perspective” is definitely why I visit IMAO daily. You’re bookmarked, dude, but then so is Duckie. It’s just that sometimes, depending on my mood, I want IMAO and sometimes I want RWD (or iowahawk or scrappleface or even wonkette). But as long as FrankJ stays FrankJ and drops the same amount of true gems as before, I can live with the group blog.

  8. Like I said before, it’s great. Does IMAO really have readers under 13? A “wang” or two and a bit of lowbrow never killed anyone (I think).
    A bit of advice: if you are offended by some of the new bloggers, don’t read them.

  9. I don’t mind the changes per se, I guess I’m just old-fashioned–I like knowing that when my high-school son sneaks onto the internet during calculus, he’s learning useful things like how to kill terrorists and which is the beatin’ end and which is the killin’ end of a gun. Stuff like that! NOT the other icky pervy stuff. EW. (no offense, Harvey-we still love you! Ya ol’ perv… hehe)

  10. Taken in smaller doses I think it’ll be more fun. But Frank just met a bunch of new friends and there’s certainly nothing wrong with new friends.
    Frankj has a unique sense of humor, and that’s why I come back here.
    Undercover Hippie, did you mean kitten blender?
    Be honorable, ronin.

  11. I agree with OldManWinters. I have checked out all of the other bloggers blogs. Wasn’t crazy about them, didn’t return.
    I have about 5 blogs I read daily, yours and sarahk’s are among them. I don’t mind the occasional guest blog, but I’d rather not have to scroll through their stuff to find yours.
    Humor is very subjective, they may all be funny to others, but not to me, and I like low brow humor. Of course you’re not a store, we’re not your customers, and it is your blog.
    Your humor is very much in tune with mine, and your In My World stories remind me very much of stories I once wrote about people in my life. I will probably still visit, just not with the zeal I once had.
    I hate change, that’s what makes me a Conservative.
    I had debated writing you and telling you, but I figured, why would you care, and thought better of it. But then you asked. That’ll teach you.

  12. Well…where do I begin? All the guest bloggers and great and funny, but with them posting here, it means less Frank for all of us. I enjoy reading through their individual blogs, but when I check in here for my quick Frank J fix, I don’t want to wade through everything else. I like to keep things seperated out.
    Of course, if there was magically a Frank-launch to my site over at http://farmhunk.blogspot.com my opinion could change very quickly.

  13. Bah. There aren’t any fewer Frank posts, they just aren’t concentrated now. “Oh no! Now I have to wade through the non-Frank entries!!” Boo-freakin’-hoo, you’re breakin’ my heart. I haven’t seen this much self-absorbed whining since that “sorry.com” site debuted. :o/
    Meh, sorry if that came out harsh. It’s just that the negative attitude seems ill-founded to me. Give it a chance, people! You might read some comedic gems you mightn’t have seen otherwise.
    By the way, MikeC: hating change doesn’t make you a conservative. Conservatives are all about change, when it’s done right (e.g. Iraq, Social Security reform, overcoming the MSM’s monopoly, etc.). If anyone’s hating change right now it’s Dan Rather, and I sure as heck wouldn’t call him a conservative. :o)

  14. Nothing against the other bloggers, but I gotta agree with OldManWinters and Joey D. It makes IMAO lose a bit of its uniqueness, and if we wanted to hear from a variety of bloggers, we could always go to their sites, which I have in the past in addition IMAO.

  15. I don’t think we’re whining when we say we don’t want to wade through the new stuff to find the Frank J. stuff. I think we’re threatening!
    We come here for Frank J., and some of us go to other places to hear from other people—there’s no reason to combine all of these people into one blog, when they have functioned just fine separately. And if I don’t like the format this way, which so far I do not, I’m likely to stop coming, which is a loss for all involved.
    And it leads me to ask of Frank, what was the impetus for this change? No one was complaining about your blogging capacity before, or the quality—now you’ve invited a host of complaints for no apparent reason. Why’d you do it?

  16. So did Frank make this decision when he was drunk? Did he lose a bet or something? Do the commies have him firmly in their grasp? Are the DUers blackmailing him or something? Are the Illuminati involved? These questions and many more demand answers. All is not right with the world.

  17. Beo,
    Sort of like that, but more like:
    Sad news really. Pop Singer George Michael has said “Good bye” to the pop music world. Yes, he’s done. He’s said, “Good bye.”
    The pop music world responded, “George who?”
    He’s leaving the music industry!?
    Oh no! Who’s next? Bobby Brown?


  18. So did Frank make this decision when he was drunk? Did he lose a bet or something? Do the commies have him firmly in their grasp? Are the DUers blackmailing him or something? Are the Illuminati involved? These questions and many more demand answers. All is not right with the world.
    It’s the result of a secret plot between the Rosicrucians, the Atlanteans, the Congolese talking gorillas, the Martians, the Paulie Shore Fan Club, and the International Monkey Sympathizers Union. They did it by infecting Frank with a radioactive virus that had been spliced with Al Franken DNA!!1!
    /conspiracy theory

  19. I agree with oldmanwinters and all the others whoa greed with him: there was no need to centralize all the things I could have read on a dily basis if I had wanted to. Now I have to filter through all the stuff in my RSS filter so I don’t have to read though all of harvey’s stuff to find the Frank J funny I read IMAO for in the first place. And I second Brian- Why did this happen, anyhow? I mean, you guys are all hilarious and stuff, but I didn’t notice any drop-off in the Frank funny or anything else that would call for backup by other bloggers on IMAO.

  20. Frank, I this is my first (and likely last) post I’ll make on IMAO. I have been enjoying your humor for months after my boyfriend,Brian sent me your link. We are all capable of clicking on a link to get to these other blogger’s sites. We all come here for you. I’m going to add my voice on this topic because I think it’s important that you know there are others of us out here. We may not be active IMAO commenters, but we’re visiting nonetheless. I’ll reiterate Ashley’s message: It makes me not want to visit IMAO. And that makes me sad.

  21. It’s like Ace or Goldstein going group-blog. With Frank J. you’ve got the three funniest mofos in the blogosphere. When I get home from work, it’s Ace-IMAO-Protein Wisdom. In that order.
    But I’m willing to give it a try. It’s just that the humor styles clash a bit, is all. I think Dave Barry is a riot, but if you mix him in with P.J. O’Rourke you might dilute the product. Booger jokes and political sarcasm might not mix.

  22. Contrary to popular belief, some of us actually do some work at our jobs. I go to IMAO daily during work and if I missed a day or two it would just take a little longer to catch up. Now I feel overwhelmed. Must read all funny. Even if I think Frank J has the best funny. It’s called watering down the brand. What’s better “Lady and the Tramp” or the direct to video “Lady and the Tramp 2”? (Damn you Michael Eisner)

  23. Hey Frank – keep in mind for every comment post here, you probably have a lot of fans who aren’t posting.
    Also, for every person who “threatens” to not read you anymore, you are picking up visitors from 3+ other sites.
    People voicing their solicited opinion here is good. But don’t take it personal. Just like not everything you write is as great as you hope it will be, not every decision will be popular.
    You have to do what you feel is best for you and your goals. That’s why you started IMAO in the first place. Just focus on that and keep that perspective. I know you take criticism personally, but I think you’ve made a good decision here. Regardless of my relationship with Harvey. I know why you’ve done this, and I agree. 100%

  24. I agree with Squatch and HeatherF, and kind of with Oldmanwinters. I don’t like change too much (like when my second brother was born when I was 13, that scared the crap out of me for some reason). I also think that Frank’s humor is watered down by others (no offense, etc., etc.) if not just clashing with theirs. I think that’s the biggest problem. However, if you still want to group-blog, I suggest putting each contributer on a separate area on the site to make it easier for those who don’t want to “wade through” it. Just as I now love my little brother, I may get to liking the new IMAO.

  25. I, too, am in the “I ain’t so sure I’m likin’ this group blog” camp. But may I suggest that we all give ourselves a month or so to settle in and see how it goes?
    Sort of like going from living with one roommate to a house full of reality-show crazies, y’know? Allow a bit of an adjustment period before anyone packs up and leaves…

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