Links of the Day

apparently some really … um… bright folks need your help to change Earth’s orbit. i’m fine with the current orbit, but if that’s your thing, maybe you can help. it’ll be jumptastic. or not.
Michelle Malkin is asking the question, how many Americans read political blogs? there are a lot of numbers there, so you should take your CPA with you.
songstress7 wants to replace me as Frank J’s dreamgirl with her cat. step back, songstress!

Gratuitous T-Shirt Babe Pic o’ the Day

after Frank’s 2nd blogiversary (aka International Link to IMAO Day), and before i ever met him in person, i did a mini photo shoot at Sizzle’s house (i think Sizzle’s neighbor Steve took this pic) so i could kiss up to him and butter him up before asking him to go to the Grand Canyon with me. the result was the Rainbow Brite picture. here’s a picture that didn’t make the cut.

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RWD’s News Roundup- Tuesday

Hello Everyone,
I’m RightWingDuck, here to share the news.
It looks like the United Nations is starting to get some coverage regarding some of the recent rape cases.
According to the report “A French U.N. logistics expert in the Congo shot pornographic videos in his home, in which he had converted his bedroom into a photo studio for videotaping his sexual abuse of young girls.”
Remember, these guys are there to help…
“Hello, my little dear. Sit, please. Tell me – Would you enjoy An Evening in Paris?”
“Paris? Really with the Eiffel Tower and everything?”
“No, An Evening in Paris Hilton — the Video — it really helps me get into the mood.”
Here’s my favorite part: “U.N. officials are worried that the scandal, which already has netted 150 allegations of sex crimes by U.N. staffers, will explode if the pornographic videos and photos, now on sale in Congo, becoming public.”
Okay. If the tapes are on sale — doesn’t that mean that they’re already public?
“I just purchased a copy of Gigli.”
“Okay, but wasn’t that released on DVD 2 years ago?”
“Yes, the clerk said I was the first one to ever buy a copy!”
“Oh no. So now it’s been made public!”

So basically this would only be a scandal if the tape becomes a best seller?
Remember, Abu Grahib wasn’t really a scandal. It was just well marketed.

Continue reading ‘RWD’s News Roundup- Tuesday’ »

Cats Need Gills

I once had a cat. I named him Pusseidon, fed him Fancy Feast, hugged and cuddled him, and took him everywhere I went.
He drowned, of course.

Cat Blogging – Sydney and Her Fortress

I was woken up to purring that sounds more and more like a pig snorting as little Sydney (a.k.a. “Stupid Monkey Purr-Purr”) kept walking around my head demanding to be pet. I pet her, all the time thinking how much easier things would be if I just threw her into a bog.
Anyway, since all the other bloggers are doing it, here is some more cat blogging.

Continue reading ‘Cat Blogging – Sydney and Her Fortress’ »

Bin Laden’s Blackberry Hacked!

That’s right, Bin Laden sent a message to Zarqawi to attack America and we intercepted it. But thats not all the intel we scored.
Here is an actual* IM Log recovered from Osama’s Blackberry.

OBL: Wassup Mikey?
MM: I’m really bummed. Not even getting one nomination! I thought Hollywood hated Bush and America as much as we do, O. That [bleep]ing Jesus movie even got nominated for…something.
OBL: WT! Really? Nominated for what?
MM: Ehh, I don’t know. best miracle or something. I’m too upset right now to find out.
OBL: Make no sense, f911 had it all, Bush, a goat, monetary backing from Hezbollah. It was the total package.
MM: I don’t wanna talk about it.
OBL: Hey pal, you ok?
MM: Got no appetite, weight’s down to like 405.
OBL: Mikey, your fasting pains of rejection will be replaced with the glory of jihad! I just sent word to our buddy Zarky baby and trust me, those academy infidels AND Bush will soon roast like the pigs they are in a glorious hickory fired open pit of doom.
MM: Mmmm. thanks O, You know just what to say. BRB, suddenly got the urge for some BBQ.
MM: No offense.
OBL: Hey, none taken, I’ll just save the cannibalism joke for later.
MM: O, you’re incorrigible!
OBL: Heh, sorry, too easy, You were WIIIIIDE open for that one.
MM: O!
OBL: You backed right into it [beep] [beep] [beep]
MM: O! Be nice. you how sensitive I am about my figure. You were the one who told me dark colors were slimming.
OBL: Oh yeah.
OBL: Sorry.
MM: Sokay. TTYL.
OBL: Still going to get BBQ?
OBL: ?
OBL: Mike?
MM: No.
OBL: Why not?
MM has signed off.

‘Moore’ from OBL’s Blackberry is sure to follow.
*completely and totally made up

Fun Trivia

What was the final word in the intercepted message from Osama bin Laden to Musab al-Zarqawi?

Continue reading ‘Fun Trivia’ »


SarahK’s latest picture of the day has become a caption contest since it just seems to begging for it. Get to it!

The Hate-Filled Lefty Meets Ted Rall

Poorly drawn comics beget poorly drawn comics.

For more Ted Rall fun, Laurence Simon has reopened his Ted Rall comic parody archives.

Totally True Tidbits About Nuclear Power

It was recently announced that Russia will be selling nuclear fuel to the Iranians for use in the Bushehr nuclear power plant. This is making a lot of folks uneasy, since – given Iran’s track record – many fear that this will lead to a sudden release of radioactive material after 444 days and a failed rescue attempt.
Personally, I consider these fears overblown, and I think they’re merely the result of the general level of appalling ignorance regarding nuclear power in general. People simply fear what they don’t understand. Fortunately for IMAO readers, I served for 4 years on board a nuclear powered aircraft carrier (USS Enterprise – CVN 65), which makes me eminently qualified to shed some much-needed light on the topic (in the extended entry) by pulling out of my magic ass the following:


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