ignis fatuous


Gratuitous T-Shirt Babe Pic o’ the Day

this one was from my first photo shoot as the IMAO T-Shirt Babe, but i didn’t send it to Frank because it was blurry. now i can use the “sharpen” feature in the photo editor. yay me.

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Adventures in Journalist Targeting

(A Precision Guided Humor Assignment)
Frank J. – giddy with success from his brilliant idea of converting IMAO to a group blog – recently convened a meeting of the IMAO editorial board deep in the heart of the super-secret IMAO Cave. There he outlined his cleverest plan ever for placing the might of the blogosphere in the service of Truth and Justice. He also tried to get us to join Amway, but that’s not important right now. In the extended entry, I’ve placed the official minutes of that meeting, plus some supporting documentation that was discovered in Sandy Berger’s socks…

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RWD’s News Roundup -Wednesday

Hello Everyone,
I’m RightWingDuck, here to share the news.
The Supreme Court is hearing arguments regarding the display of the Ten Commandments.
The court is reviewing the commandments? If all goes well, the court might just go ahead and approve 4 of them.
Of course, the separation of church and state is something they take very seriously. If you want to display the commandments, you’ll have to follow the constitution, and display them in a jar of urine.
Lots of celebrity trials going on right now.
It’s always said to see a talented black pop star might be going to prison. Not Michael — I’m talking about Lil’ Kim.

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Terrible Teen Terror

Hello, Aquafans.
The Supreme Court ruled that those under eighteen can’t be executed, and, as expected, teenagers are running amok everywhere with the knowledge they are safe from the ultimate penalty.
Can anyone stop them? This sounds like a job for…

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Fun Trivia

How did the dinosaurs die out?

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Fun Trivia

How did the dinosaurs die out?

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Fun Trivia

How did the dinosaurs die out?

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Fun Trivia

How did the dinosaurs die out?

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Fun Trivia

How did the dinosaurs die out?

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Frank Predictions – Democracy in the Middle East

So now Syria is placing its head under the guillotine (Iran has a sigh of relief; North Korea squeaks, “We have nukes! Pay attention to us!”). I did a KTE on them a while back (it was the second one I did), but I don’t think a fruit basket will save them this time. They have the Lebanese angry at them, and we know they had part of a bombing in Tel Aviv.
Now, I dunno how this is gonna play out– but let’s pretend I do. The Syrian dictatorship will continue to weaken, but no violence by the U.S. will be needed to topple it as eventually the public will decimate the leadership, starting by kicking Bashar al-Asad in the nards (there’s some significance to that if you check the Koran). They will then have elections, which will be watched over by Jimmy Carter. He will be shot by the Syrians, which the U.S. will condemn as “unnecessary” but “understandable.”
Now, the mad mullahs of Iran will now be like, “Holy @#$%! We’re totally @#$%!” They’ll try to smuggle out some nuclear weapons, but the youth in Iran will revolt and totally lay the beat-down on the mullahs. It’ll be like pro-wrestling, but with more blood. The youth will then hold a rock concert to welcome in the new area of democracy which will be funded by selling the nukes on eBay. They will be purchased by Rupert Murdoch (“FOX News – Fair and Balanced and Now a Nuclear Power”).
Now all the dictators left in the Middle East will be freaking out and allowing real elections as they escape to France for indefinite vacations. Osama bin Laden and little Zarqawi will be like “@#$% @#$%!” and shave their beards to disguise themselves as they flee to the Palestinians for protection. There, they will be mistaken for American protestors and run over with bulldozers by the Israelis. The Israelis will also by now have raided the Palestinians arms supplies and taken possession of all their rocks, leaving them completely defenseless. The Palestinians will flee to France and declare that was always really their ancient homeland.
All of Middle East will be prosperous democracies by the end of Bush’s second term (“But remember Abu Ghraib!” his detractors will shout). The remaining Democrats will be hunted down and then confined to a preserve called “Massachusetts.” The only remaining Islamo-fascists in the world will be in Old Europe and cause World War III – which will last all of eight minutes.
North Korea will squeak, “We really have nukes!” but we still won’t be able to get ourselves to care.
Finally, a national day of happy dancing will be declared.
Well, that all the important events for the next few years. Now you can stop paying attention to the news and play videogames like I will be doing.
Later, ronin.

Frank J.’s Car Accident: Shocking Eye-Witness Testimony!

Thanks to an anonymous source, I’m able to provide you with this (safe for work) eye-witness audio description of Frank J’s car accident.
[hat tip to anonymous source Teresa of Technicalities]

ruling from the judicial throne

the seat is comfortable, but the 200 year old parchment really chaps your ass
In case you hadn’t heard, five people (who hide behind the label “Supreme Court majority”) decided today that you and your fellow citizens are incapable of governing yourself in relation to the issue of whether juveniles between the ages of 16 and 18 should be executed for first degree murder. If you read their opinion (and I encourage you to do so–especially the dissents–because it underscores everything that is wrong with the judicial system these days) you will note that they describe in great detail how there is no national consensus regarding this issue (i.e. different states have treated the issue differently through the legislative process), then conclude that there is in fact a national consensus that the death penalty should not be enforced in such cases. Huh?
What is nearly as appalling as this total usurption of the democratic process, is that the juvenile they removed from death row committed one of the most calculated and cruel acts of murder you will ever have the misfortune to read about. If anyone of any age ever deserved the death penalty, certainly the killer in the case before the court did.
If Republican Senator’s don’t have the guts to exercise the nuclear option after this debacle, we mine as well give up hope that we will ever be freed from judicial tyranny.