Totally True Tidbits About Knights

Last week Bill Gates was awarded an honorary knighthood by England’s Queen Elizabeth. I can’t believe she actually thinks that sucking up to America’s billionaires by letting them put “Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire” on their resume is going to make up for burning down the White House.
Some of us haven’t forgotten 1812, Queenie.
That aside, it seems there are a lot of misconceptions about knighthood and knights in general. Which is a good thing, because that means that Americans still realize that royalty and nobility are stupid ideas, and the only good use for a Queen is playing her on top of an opposite-colored King.
Monarchy – BOO! HISS!
However, if you’re planning a trip to Englandia, it might make you look like less of a retard if you understood some of the local cultural traditions, like the proper way for peasants to wallow in mud, and (in the extended entry) these:


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Links of the Weekend

Carnival of the Recipes #29 is up over at Rocket Jones.
and Spacemonkey found a surprisingly addicting,violent online game. i played it twice.