But HOW MUCH Do I Suck?

In the comments to one of my earlier posts, loyal IMAO reader Lionstone – concerned about maintaining the high comedic standards that all IMAO readers have come to expect over the years – offered the following bit of feedback:

Harvey sucks

Now, as much as I appreciate such well-thought-out constructive criticism, I’m afraid that it’s a little… vague. In order to improve the quality of my posts, I’ll need a more quantitatively measureable response.
Although I was tempted to go with the Star Wars suck-scale (where Episode IV is the lowest, or 1 suck-point, Episode I is the highest, or 5 suck-points, and the positions of Episodes II, V, and VI are currently being debated in all-night chat-room sessions by pimply-faced men who’ve never kissed a girl), I decided to use a more definitive 30-point scale, which I list in the extended entry. Please read the list, choose the suck-level that most accurately represents my revoltingly inept unfunniness, and leave your choice in the comments.

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Links of the Day

John Hawkins has his second interview with Michelle Malkin. i like to tease Frank about her (as he remembered her birthday but forgot mine and tends to go on and on about how she modeled his t-shirt for his blogiversary), but i really heart Michelle and bought her book long before Frank did. and even though John didn’t vote for me in the t-shirt babe contest, i heart him too.
also, SarahK has the second installment of the Bad Example Family (& Friends) Reunion up. wow, that girl has storytelling talent. 😉
and basil, always hilarious with Headlines, has a bundle for your reading pleasure…
UPDATE: the evil fake sarahK has photographic evidence of what happened at Frank’s house when the jewelers called Saturday night.

G.I. Joe Foo’s Middle East Adventure

Today my brother, Joe foo’ the Marine, headed out for Kuwait where he will spend a week before heading to the kind of place in Iraq where it’s a good idea to have some Marines standing by. I’ll have to get in letter writing mode to keep in contact with him, and I’ll keep you updated in general of how he is doing such as the kind of people he’s meeting and if he’s targeting any journalists.
Please keep him in your prayers.

Fun Trivia

What is the main diet of the two-toed sloth?

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RWD’s News Round-up Monday

I’m RightWingDuck here to share the news.
Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to take junk food out of the schools.
That’s not very fair. Schools are dangerous places. Aren’t students allowed to choose their final meal?
He answered the question when they asked him about school obesity.
Obese kids, or as the bullies call them– soft targets.
I like the fat ones, it means they’ve survived public school. Each layer of fat is like the rings on a tree!
The funny part is they asked him about running for president. He should answer honestly. “Well, I’d like to focus on running California into the ground – then I’ll move on to running the country.”

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Me Smash Group Blog!

Everyone seems to hate that IMAO is now a group blog (except for those who don’t). It’s so visceral, you think the reasons may be personal such as a group blog killed a reader’s father. I thought it would be a good idea to task my crack research team to find exactly what are the reasons the new group blog is so hated, and, luckily, the reasons were ten in number.
10. Too easy to get confused who authored which post leaving me unsure whether to think it’s funny.
9. Now that SarahK can post on IMAO, I just know it’s now going to be about nothing but girl stuff such as boobs.
8. Heart simply can’t take the suspense of waiting for Scott to finally post. [Ed. Note: Why did Scott have to choose today to ruin this joke?]
7. Instead of numerous posts a day, was hoping that IMAO would go the way of Eject! Eject! Eject! and do one really big post every other year.
6. Aquaman’s research before posting is shoddy to non-existent.
5. Since IMAO has become a group blog, there is too much “Frank” and not nearly enough “J.”
4. Cannot fathom any reason to laugh more than once in a single day.
3. I only come here for pictures of cats.
2. First I was supposed to hate monkeys, and now I’m supposed to read the writings of a flying one from space! I’m conflicted!
And the number one reason the IMAO group blog sucks…

Continue reading ‘Me Smash Group Blog!’ »

Sgrena Sees The Light

By now we’ve all heard the MSM hypothesis that the shootings at a roadside security checkpoint in Iraq where Italian military intelligence officer Nicola Calipari was killed and commie journalist Giuliana Sgrena was wounded by U.S. military forces was a “hit” and this illegal action by the U.S. military all but exonerates CNN’s Eason Jordan.
Well, we all know that a top-notch communist will tell you a lie when it’s easier to tell you the truth. This makes Giuliana Sgrena one heckuva communist.
You’re old buddy Scott would like to point out two big holes in that hypothesis that nobody in the MSM is bringing up:

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Coincidence Or Conspiracy? Monkey Business In Bolivia

Two seemingly unrelated events yet….

Continue reading ‘Coincidence Or Conspiracy? Monkey Business In Bolivia’ »

Gratuitous T-Shirt Babe Pic o’ the Day

this was during the most recent photo shoot. i was either standing on my tippy toes trying to be tall or trying to make my chest look bigger.

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In My World: The Dark Cloud of Glorious Reality

“Liberals everywhere are having to come to grips with the fact that Iraq may not be a complete disaster,” the anchorman announced, “We now go to one of the war’s dissenters, humanities Professor John Glickman.”
The professor was clutching his head and pounding it against his desk. “Brain hurt! Bush bad! But no disaster in Middle East! Can’t… comprehend… Bush wrong! Right is wrong! Black is white!” He then screamed and jumped through his window.
Condoleezza Rice turned off the T.V. “Reality is descending upon the liberals. Some learn to embrace. Some kill themselves rather than have to face it. Other burrow further into the dark recesses of delusion to conceal themselves from it.”
“Is this that ‘reality-based’ community I keep hearing about?” President Bush asked.
“Yes,” Condi answered, “based on reality, but not quite of it. They do not operate in the same realm of thought that normal humans do. You see, current events have been like an antibiotic to the bacteria that are liberals. While most are killed out, those remaining are the most virulent – or, in the case of liberals – more delusional.”
“That’s a great point,” Bush said frankly, “Rover, what’s your take.”
The hooded-figure of Karl Rove emerged from the shadows. “The Book of Punditry says that a wind from the East would decimate the enemy. If democracy hits the land of the black riches while the pachyderm holds the throne, then the ass shall be kicked from power forever.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Bush said.
“You’re not understanding anything either of us are saying, are you?” Condi asked.
“No, but, as long as our plans are working, who cares?” Bush said smugly, “Middle East knows what’s what, now, and everything is falling into place!”
“Anyway, I would like permission to capture and study one of these uber-liberals,” Condi stated, “They could be a danger, but we won’t know until we imprison one.”
“Will this involve intrusive and painful measures to the liberal?” Bush asked.
“Most certainly.”
“Sounds good to me, but I better consult with the Attorney General. Hey, Alberto, what’s your opinion on capturing a U.S. citizen without any cause, holding him indefinitely, and torturing him?”
“I don’t give a flying @#$%,” Alberto Gonzales answered, “and I don’t see why anyone else would.”
“Sage advice as always,” Bush said, “Well, Condi, you have a go. On to other matters.” He turned to the Vice President. “Any luck on finding Osama?”
Cheney shrugged his shoulders. “He wasn’t by the coffee pot.”
Bush looked to Rumsfeld. “And how’s the exit strategy on Iraq?”
“There are still some Iraqis left alive, but we’ll take care of them,” Rumsfeld vowed.
“We’re not supposed to kill them, Rummy,” Bush said, “We’re supposed to help them build a prosperous democracy.”
“What!” Rumsfeld yelled, “You keep changing the plan on me! Rarr!”
“Hey, the situation is fluid,” Bush said as he ducked under the table, “Well, on to the domestic agenda, we need to get our Social Security reform passed. I forget, though; what narrow special interest does this serve?”
“I think it’s stock brokers,” Cheney responded.
“Might be the wealthy in general once more,” Condi commented.
“I’m sure Halliburton wants it,” Cheney added, “and that’s all that’s important.”
“So how are we going to stop the Democrats from… uh… stopping us?” Bush inquired.
“We have the most evil nine-year-old in existence campaigning for us,” Rove intoned.
“And, best of all,” Cheney added, “he’s working solely for Yu-Gi-Oh cards.”
“What in God’s name are those?” Bush asked.
“No adult knows,” Cheney answered.
Little Noah McCullough stepped forward. “I love studying about presidents, and I want to make sure there is Social Security when I retire, golly gosh!”
“He’s cute! Seniors love cute kids!” Bush exclaimed, “The Democrats will have no rebuttal to this!”
“They’ve tried teaching their talking points to kittens to counter us,” Rove said, “and have executed eight so far for failure.”
“Anything else to worry about the Democrats?” Bush inquired.
“They’re threatening to filibuster more judicial nominees,” Cheney answered.
“Someone should send them a box full of Viagra for their impotency.” Bush laughed. “Don’t actually do that, though; that stuff is expensive.”
The group sat around silently for a while.
“Okay, I’m bored,” Bush stated, “Let’s issue another terror alert.”

“We were informed that the terror alert had been raised to orange since the terrorists had stolen the ‘rock’ from ‘rock & roll’ leaving us with just ‘roll’ which hardly is useful by itself. I called a number of music stations, and, while some did not have ‘roll,’ all had ‘rock’ at least and did not know of any terrorist attacks. How do you explain this?”
White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan looked at his talking points. All it said was “I’m not fat; I’m big-boned.” Scott looked to the press and shrugged his shoulders. “The President is an ass?”

The Love Is Back!

And wuv, twue wuv. Wuv has now been westored to IMAO.

Huh you ask? Huh, indeed. The trackback linky-type love, baby! Whatever had formerly R-U-N-N-O-F-T with the trackem-up-backer is apparently fixed.

Lesser imps and demons should feel free to rebuild any post that linked here and you got some sort of crazy bifurcated ‘unable to ping IMAO because you ain’t bonified’ error.

You are now permitted to rebuild and reap any sort of whirlwind related to us going to your blog to answer those self agrandizing “Hey, what sort of ankle-biter linked me?” type questions.

Reap, Anklebiters! REAP!

Subject for the blogless to comment about: other quotes from the movies I shamelessly misquoted.

Oh and Frank J. scooped me.


I woke up this morning and what did I find?
Trackback spam!
Somehow, trackbacks just magically fixed themselves without me having to change anything on my blog. That’s good, because, technically, they were never supposed to be broken in the first place by my analysis.
Now trackback our posts! Hooray!