Gratuitous T-Shirt Babe Pic o’ the Day

in celebration of my other blog reaching 200,000 hits today (yay CrankyBeach and Angela, who sent me the screen cap!), i give you the Clueless Blonde with a Gun Pic O’ the Day.

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Car-Bomber Bumper Stickers

(A Precision Guided Humor Assignment)
With all the crazy action going on over in Iraq, it’s hard to tell friend from foe. Let’s say you’re manning a checkpoint and a car comes careening up toward you. You have no idea whether it’s a suicidal car-bomber, an innocent (if somewhat communist) Italian journalist, or simply just another Ahmed Lunchpail in a hurry to get home for a nooner.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there were an easy way to tell them apart so you wouldn’t accidentally open fire on the last example and risk losing the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people? Well, it turns out there’s an easy way to spot the bad guys – just read the bumper stickers! If you see one that’s even remotely like the ones I list in the extended entry, then fire at will:

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The Return of Headline Fun

Oh no! No posts! It’s time for…

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Fun Trivia

As you descend into a black hole, what happens to you?

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From the NRA Gun Safety Manual, Chapter 13

Since I couldn’t think of anything good to write about today, I decided I might as well help in one of my pet causes my spreading more knowledge on gun safety. Thus, I’m printing a part of the NRA Gun Safety Manual.

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Dude, Where’s My Muse

I totally have been unable to think of something to post about today. I know there’s stuff in the news – including a Italian Commie getting shot at – but nothing is clicking into jokes.
Anyway, you guys are the readers; what kind of stuff do you like me making fun of? Ideas! Give me ideas!