Links of the Day

David of Guns and Glory has a list of ways to not get shot by the U.S. military (f-bomb warning).
gbfan, who has a great blog in the number one spot on his blogroll, weighs in on the IMAO group blog debate.
Cutter has a step-by-step process for home-making a borelight. looks easier than starting a lawn mower.
finally, Kevin Drum shows us that right-wing bloggers and lefties live in completely different worlds

Fun Trivia

Why do ninjas dress all in black?

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A friend of mine who works as a sportscaster called me from Dallas last night after he’d watched Dan Rather’s sign off for the CBS Evening News in his time zone and left me a voice-mail saying: “Ding-Dong The Witch Is Dead.”
I had to wait a couple of hours until I got the west coast CBS News feed to see exactly what he meant, but now I get it:

What makes a king out of a slave?
What makes the flag on the mast to wave?
What makes the Hottentot so hot? What puts the “ape” in apricot? What have they got that I ain’t got?
Courage, Dan… “Courage.”

The Happy Bunny Song

I was going to write a post about how much I hate terrorists, but with all the hate & death & killing in the news lately, I thought maybe I should try to write about something cheerful and upbeat, instead. So in the extended entry, I’ve placed


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Open Thread (Just Like On KOS!)

Dan Rather: miss him or diss him?
Like I have to ask, but you have to hand it to him, the man could really read some copy off the ‘prompter. And reading is not something just anybody can do these days. You need at least a first grade education.
But Old Gunga Dan wasn’t bad at adlibbing either. Y’know, cause he could make up some rather (HAH! get it?) funny Ratherisms too.
Sayings like “This election’s close enough to give an aspirin a headache” come to mind from back when he was hopped up on some sort of energy drink during the 2000 election. You may remember some too.
That said, have at him in the comments. And remember if you can’t say something nice at least say something funny.
Update: Hmmm, I guess when the author gives a topic it’s really not an open thread is it? Oh well.
Update2: Fixed the ratherism. Its “give an aspirin a headache” not “make an aspirin nervous”. Sorry for the fake but accurate egregious error.

RWD’s News Round-up, Thursday

I’m RightWingDuck and I’m here to share the news.
Dan Rather is off the air. Awwwww.
He signed off with the word –“Courage”.
Which is better than what he had originally planned- “Gotcha!! See you guy’s tomorrow.”
Now CBS News faces a major challenge.
Seriously, it’s going to be very difficult to find somebody willing to sit and read from a TelePrompTer while getting paid millions of dollars.
Best of luck to CBS.Courage!
In a funny note, CBS is now getting sued!
It was an odd moment — when the subpoena was served — the executives sniffed, “Yeah, official documents. Like we’re gonna fall for THAT one again.”

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News I Don’t Need to Hear

One cat is busy mastering opening my gun closet, the other it cutting my phone lines, and now there’s precedent for my fears.

All Life’s a Stage… Especially War

An Ex-Marine claims the official version of the capture of Saddam was staged. You might be surprised… if you aren’t smart like me. In wars, stuff is staged or made up all the time. For example:
* The Assassination of President Lincoln: Lincoln was dead from a heroin overdose six days before he supposedly went to Ford Theater. Assassination by John Wilkes Booth was staged to turn public opinion against the political beliefs of actors.
* The Suicide of Hitler: Completely made up when Adolph Hitler wasn’t found after the invasion of Germany. Hitler later found vending peanuts at Wrigley Field.
* Raising Flag at Iwo Jima: Picture actually taken on a soundstage in Area 51.
* The Fall of Saigon: Never happened. We actually won the Vietnam War and pretended to lose it to get Commies over-confident.
* The Bombing of Nagasaki: Actually planned ahead of time. Not just done off the cuff.
* The Crusades: Not actaully looking for Holy Land; instead, it was a search for Thai hookers.
* Korean War: North Korea is democratic and South Korea is overrun with Communists. After initial error by a cartographer, the mistake was never corrected to keep up the image of government infallibility.
* The War of 1812: White House burnt down when first lady left oven on. Let Canadians claim credit because we felt so sorry for them.
* Parting of the Red Sea: There were plenty of boats for the Israelites to escape in, but Moses wanted to show off God’s awesome might again. Moses is such a wanker.
* Civil War: North never really wanted the South back, but had to pretend they did when the war got too serious.
* Hannibal Crossing the Alps: He actually hang-glided past the Alps. Elephants were sent by freight.
* Mexican-American War: Never happened. West coast stolen from Mexico while they were on siesta.
* Cola Wars: Atlanta was actually set on fire by Coca-Cola to rationalize violent air strike against Pepsi.
* Destruction of the Death Star: For final shot, Luke Skywalker was using the targeting computer.
UPDATE: Michelle Malkin has a good post on the debunking of the staged Saddam story (with links!). And here I was blindly believing Ex-Sgt. Nadim Abou Rabeh who apparently now lives in Lebanon. Well, all the other stories I listed are true.