Links of the Day

Carnival of the Recipes #30 is up over at pamibe, and wow, it’s fabulous! pam is so talented!
both Tammi of Road Warrior Survival and Venomous Kate celebrated blogiversaries this week. congratulations to them!
also, Mike the Marine says goodbye to Dan Rather.

Evil Glenn’s New World Record

(A Filthy Lie)
If you weren’t watching Fox News tonight, I feel sorry for you, because you missed one HELL of a show.
Inspired by Steve Fossett’s recent solo, non-stop, global circumnavigation, the vile and despicable evil dark overlord of the blogosphere and part-time law professor, Glenn Reynolds, was on live TV attempting to set a new world record. I can’t find a link to a video clip, but the transcript is in the extended entry.
(note: I forgot to put the evilness in the extended entry last night. I apologize for the oversight. Remember kids, drugs are BAD, m’kay?)

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RWD’s News Round-up, Friday

Hello Everyone, I’m RightWingDuck here to share some news.
There are so many interesting characters in the news lately.
Embattled professor Ward Churchill is now being accused of plagiarism.
Amazing. And the man seemed so genuine.
Let’s see.
He faked his Indian credentials–
Inquiry Board: Are you sure you’re Indian?
Churchill: Of course I am, look at my long hair.

He faked his writing–
Interviewer: Are you sure you’re an author?
Ward: Of course, here’s my book — Das Kapital.

And he faked his humanity–
Co-worker: 3,000 dead at the World Trade Center
Ward: They had it coming.

So, students, remember – it’s okay to write vile, hateful statements about the death of innocents – but the writing must be original.

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On the Use of Power

Despite my name, I'm not actually a monkey. Just like Peter Parker’s, ironically dead, uncle Ben said, “With great power comes great responsibility,” or something to that effect. We, like Peter/Spidey, have a responsibility to be responsible with the powerful power we’ve been empowered with so our own uncle Ben isn’t killed in a similarly ironic fashion due to our irresponsible use or lack of use of power.
There’s another saying though. I’m not sure who said it first. Probably some Greek philosopher talking as they were making him drink a poisonous beverage. And it goes, “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely”.
Taken together, it’s easy to see the powerful have a responsibilty to be corrupt. On top of that, the already corrupt probably need to check to see if there’s some sort of power that they may already have that they may not be aware of somehow that helped them become corrupt in the first place. That would be the responsible thing to do.
So Frank J., being the humor power baron he is, has an obligation nay, dare I say a responsibilty, to use every means within his control to hawk his shirts. and sell his blogads.
That said, its obvious to me now, I’m corrupt too. Powerful? Ironically, no, just corrupt. I checked.
Update: Frank J. since you said you were thinking about a new idea for a tshirt. I had an idea for a new T-shirt and it involves well, see for yourself.

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The Real Fire Rages Inside

Despite my name, I don't actually have water powers.Hello, Aquafans.
Today, a citizen ran up to me yelling, “Aquaman! We need your help!”
“I’m on my way!” I answered as I jogged to the scene.
An apartment building was ablaze. “So, did you call the fire department?”
“We thought maybe you could do something,” the panicked citizens answered.
“Well, though I am named Aquaman, I don’t actually have water powers,” I explained.
“What can you do?”

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You Foreign? You Buy T-Shirts Now!

I just found out from a reader in the comments that now ships internationally. Now you have no excuse! You buy t-shirts!
Man, I need to get working on a new t-shirt idea…

Fun Trivia

How is the cream filling put inside a Twinkie?

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Open Thread (Just Like on Kos!)

I liked this idea spacemonkey had yesterday. In the comments here, discuss whatever you want and post links. Who will be the first to get the ball rolling?
And don’t just say, “First!”

They’re Coming for Us

As blogs threaten the MSM and politicians more and more, the sooner the big blog crackdown will happen. We all knows it’s coming. There will be a bipartisan force of stormtroopers led by McCain and Feingold tasked to hunt down bloggers and those who read blogs. Do you think you’re ready? If Dan Rather charges you, shouting non-sense and wielding an ax in each hand, will you know what to do?
To help, I’ve made this list of tips:

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