The Official United Nations Guide to Fighting Terrorism

Ever since the first bomb was invented 5000 years ago in Egypt by Alfred Nobel, bad people have used them to blow up innocent civilians.
Mainly in Israel.
However, for the first time since then, the UN has vowed to take concrete action to put a stop to these heinous acts. Secretary General Kofi Annan has promised to think about talking about maybe writing down – ON ACTUAL PAPER, mind you – a treaty which, if adopted, would make murdering people even MORE illegal than it already is.
But until that happy day when all nations stand united in saying “NO! NO!” (instead of merely “NO!”, which hasn’t yet worked, although it certainly MIGHT, if given enough time), the UN has promulgated some stopgap measures that can be implemented immediately.
So, in the interest of public safety, I offer you (in the extended entry) this:


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Don’t you hate it when you go to your favorite website to find out it didn’t get updated all day?
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Yeah, me too. I HATE that!