Links of the Day

Tyler D. has a 2nd amendment refresher course
Spearshaker has a caption contest going on…
here’s a nifty little shooting game that will make you want to claw your ears off…
been wondering who Blackfive is? he’ll tell ya himself. what? he’s not Karl Rove? 😉
finally, SarahK i has have the next installment of “Hell on Wheels” up over at mountaineer musings.
nighty night, ronin! be honorable…

Italian Attack in Iraq

Hello, Aquafans.
Giuliana Sgrena, Commie Italian reporter, was fired on by Marines on March 4th. She says she was targeted, and we know the Marines and their penchant for targeting journalists. Still, nothing has been concluded in this case and no evil-doers have been brought to justice.
So, are Marines really targeting law-abiding Commie journalists?
This sounds like a job for…

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Hot Arab Chicks March For Freedom in Lebanon

Some say that democracy and freedom in the Middle East is impossible, but thanks to the Internet we see just how eye-catching and titilating democracy in the Arab world can be:

In 1776, the men of the thirteen American colonies raised their voices, declared their independence from a foreign tyrant, and took up arms in the cause of freedom. In 2005, the young hotties of Lebanon are casting off their burkas and marching for freedom in the so-called Arab Street.
My prediction is that Lebanon will be free of Syrian rule by the end of the year and the above-pictured women will appear on Howard Stern soon after.
Post your own predictions in “Comments”

RWD’s News Round-Up, Monday

Hello Everyone,
I’m RightWingDuck and I’m here to share the news.
Michael Schiavo rejected it.
Of course, I don’t blame the guys. He has a much better offer. He has 1.6 million dollars plus a wife to be named later.
Sorry, that was harsh. She’s been named. She’s just waiting for a slot in the rotation.
That businessman didn’t do anybody any favors. That offer only makes Mr. Schiavo look good. “Look at me, I’m not about the money.”
Of course it’s a bad deal all around. If he accepted the million bucks Michael would have to turn around and buy Terry’s silence.
BTW, a better proposition: Offer him the money for allowing 90 days of rehab for Terry. Think it through.
Jose Canseco is going up before Congress to give testimony on the use of Steroids in baseball. He’s also going there to plug his new book, “Getting rich and famous with steroids (foreword by Arnold Schwarzenegger).
He’s asking for immunity and some clean needles.
He doesn’t want a lot of immunity – just 65 cc’s.
Ball players are getting nervous over this whole issue. I say just embrace steroids. It’s the perfect solution.
The pharma companies can sponsor new stadium construction.
The tax payers don’ have to pay for it.
And if the stadium is built on the wrong spot – the ball players can get together and PUSH!

Continue reading ‘RWD’s News Round-Up, Monday’ »

Annan Calls Terrorism “Naughty, Naughty, Naughty”

Today, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, in his most condemning tone to date, has denounced terrorism as ‘naughty, naughty, naughty.’

“Terrorists are very bad boys and girls and anyone who engages in acts of terrorism are naughty, naughty, naughty. They should be put in time out and their toys should all be taken away. They should be sent to their rooms without any supper until they learn how to play nice. If this harsh scolding doesn’t put and end to global terrorism, then we’ll ask them how they’d like having their phone and car priviledges revoked!”

Secretary-General Annan also assured the terrorists he was only laying down some ground rules. Also that there wouldn’t be any sort of real punishment without a few more warnings, some written, some verbal, some performed by classically trained mimes. He further stated any punishment, when approved by Aunt Frenchie, Uncle Jerry and their third cousin Russ, would “hurt me, more than it does you, wink, wink, nudge, nudge.”
This Fake News brought to you by spacemonkey and inspired by this editoon in Cox and Forkum, who in their wisdom have now linked to IMAO. (Ain’t they smart?)

Gratuitous T-Shirt Babe Pic o’ the Day

this is from the latest photo shoot. finger off trigger, gun pointed at Frank’s tv, not Frank J.

Continue reading ‘Gratuitous T-Shirt Babe Pic o’ the Day’ »

Open Thread (Just Like on Kos!)

Talk about what you want here in the comments.
I will mention a topic, though. The Simpsons had been annoying me with getting too political lately, but the episode last night making fun of Commie China was one of their funniest in a long while.
Also, did you catch the Kelsey Grammer Presents: The Sketch Show? I had a feeling that was going to be a disaster, but pretty much every one of their little sketches got a laugh from me. Plus, it had Chloe from 24!
Oh, and the new Star Wars trailer… doesn’t that kick ass! It was certianly worth fast-forwarding through the O.C. on my Tivo to see it. Do think Lucas is just getting our hopes up for the final, ultimate dissapointment?
BTW, for those who think IMAO hasn’t been biblical enough lately, I’ve read some good Bible worth studying. Plus, I have an extra special Bible treat!
Now get discussing!
UPDATE: For American Idol fans, big big news!

In My World: Democrat Politics Never Pays

“So let me see if I understand this, Jeb: you simply arrested a Democrat?”
“Well, the mayor of Orlando was committing election fraud and…”
“Wow, all I had to do was arrest them!” Bush declared, “Thanks, Jeb. As my older brother, you’ve always been looking out for me.”
“I’m your younger brother, and it’s not so simple. See…”
Bush hung up the phone. “So, Speedy, what’s your legal opinion on rounding up and arresting the Democrats?”
“Sounds fun,” Attorney General Alberto Gonzales answered, “I’ll get my sombrero.”
“Get mine too!”

Senator Harry Reid saw his door kicked in. “We’ve heard you’re a Democrat!” Alberto declared.
“That’s crazy!” Reid answered.
“Then what do you think about Bush’s tax cuts?”
“They’re too targeted at the rich.”
“Democrat!” Alberto yelled, “Arrest him!”
“You can’t just arrest me for that!” Reid protested.
“You see this sombrero?” Alberto challenged, pointing to his hat, “It means authority! I do what I want!”
“What about the poncho?”
“It goes with the sombrero, stupid! Now surrender for arrest!”
“Okay,” Reid said, “Just let me get my glasses.”
“He’s resisting arrest!” Alberto shouted, “Deploy nightsticks.”

“I admit it’s not going to be easy to prove you’re a Democrat,” Alberto told Senator Joe Lieberman, “So why don’t we make a deal. It’ll be probation plus time served if you just give me the names of more Democrats.”
White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan burst into Alberto’s office. “I’m hearing that you’ve been arresting and beating Democrats and now I have to answer to the press!”
“I thought I arrested all of them,” Alberto said, confused.
“Apparently not.”
“Well, I’ll go help you answer questions.”
They both walked out to the press room. “So how do you answer to charges of abducting Democrats and beating them with nightsticks?”
Scott started to answer, but Alberto tapped him on the shoulder. “Let me handle this.” He then faced the press and said, “Actually, I used a piñata bat. The piñata bat has a long history in Mexican culture, dating back to when Mexicans first discovered they like to beat things with bats. You have to appreciate other cultures.”
The press nodded knowingly and walked off. “See, that’s how you handle the press, you stupid gringo,” Alberto told Scott.
“You know, you never had an accent until you were appointed to this position.”
Alberto pulled out his piñata bat. “You shut up!”

“With the amount of travel, I think we were sent to another country for trial,” said one frightened Democrat.
A man stepped in amongst the prisoners. “You are all charged with witchcraft. The punishment for that crime is to have your left hand cut off.”
“That’s silly,” Sen. Harry Reid answered, “All we are are Democrats and…”
“The punishment for being a Democrat is death!”
Reid thought for a moment. “Well, I guess I was eight-years-old when I first started casting hexes…”

Fun Trivia

What is best sign your dirty bomb plans may be faked?

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