RWD’s News Round-up, Tuesday

I’m RightWingDuck and I’m here to share the news.
Robert Iger has been chosen to replace Eisner as the Disney CEO. He’ll be stepping into the position in October.
Hmmm. He needs a catchy nickname. What rhymes with Iger?
Iger. Iger.. I know–
How about “Iger the Lion”?
Disney is getting desperate for real leadership.
It’s was so bad; Disney was interviewing people who came in wearing Mickey Costumes.
Executive: So, Mr. Um. Oh, yes. Mickey. Are you ready for this job?
Mickey: Mimes a thumbs up gestures, Jumps up and down like cheerleader..
Executive: The competition is intense. We need to rediscover our Disney roots and make more hits. Can you do that?
Mickey: Gets up and silently waltzes around the room and then sits back down.
Executive: We need to stick it to the competition. Do you think you could stick it to them?
Mickey: Gets up, performs a series of hip thrusts.
Executive: That’s the spirit that we need. How reasonable are your pay requirements?
Mickey: Gets up. Hip thrusts.

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U.N. Me

The U.N. needs some work, including an image change. In the spirit of helpfulness, I came up with some brand new slogans for the U.N. (do they even have one now). Here they are:

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Geeky Goodness

In case you, like me, didn’t TIVO the OC the other night, here’s the Star Wars Ep. III Trailer.
Click here to feel the power of the dark side of force.
I loved it when Anakin kicked Obi Wan and said “and THAT’s how we do it in the OC.”
Update: Somebody with waaaaaaaaaaay too much time on their hands documented the trailer frame-by-frame.
Update: Odiwan (you think he likes Star Wars?) sent me this Ep III Trailer Spoof. Heh.

Open Thread (Just Like on Kos!)

Sound off about the issues you care about… especially those you want covered by IMAO.

Frank’s Bible Study Notes

Been busy this week, but I’ll have a political post later today. Also, I’ll soon have another segment of Frank Reads the Bible™. Until then, I think you should know I’ve been going to some real Bible study with SarahK. I thought I’d share my notes with you so you’d see how spiritually enlightened I’m getting.
My Bible Study Notes

Totally True Tidbits About Hybrid Cars

Totally True Tidbits About Hybrid Cars
Honda is piddling themselves with joy over the pending release of their latest hybrid version of the Accord. Unfortunately, the new Accord does NOT run on piddle, so it’s not as good of a deal as you might think.
What IS a “hybrid” car, exactly? Well, it’s a car that runs partly on gas, partly on electricity, and mostly on the weed-fevered fantasies of filthy hippies who think that spending $5000 to get an extra 2 mpg is actually a bargain because it enhances the self-esteem of spotted owls.
Or something.
Anyway, I assume that everyone else is as ignorant of this whole “hybrid” craze as I am, and I want to keep it that way by presenting (in the extended entry) these:


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