Alias-Meets-Scooby Doo-Meets-The Matrix

When you see a headline like Spies infiltrate zombie computer networks, and its not on a tabloid at the grocery store, you just need to tell people about it.
So I did.

Thursday Is “Bring Your Own TP To Work Day”

The wackos at the Associated Press want you to believe that America is so pathetic and poorly managed by the Bush Administration that government employees must purchase toilet paper for their workplace out of their own pocket.
An Erie County worker in Buffalo that told the AP reporter that his county’s 100 million dollar budget shortfall forces him to buy his own TP and says “it’s like living in another country–a bad country.” Did the reporter ask for a quote from this guy in the bathroom or on his way in? Either way, it shows a disturbing lack of character from the AP reporter.
It’s a given that reporter had plenty of paper that county worker could’ve used but didn’t want to offer any to the guy: “I have to remain objective,” so sayeth the AP reporter “and by giving this man, who has obviously been oppressed by the evil Bush Administration’s policies, some of my precious eco-friendly environmentally-sound notepaper to wipe his ass would compromise my integrity as a journalist.”
What the objective reporters at the AP failed to mention in their story is the fact that Erie County got themselves into this hole by spending more money than they were taking in, raising taxes on their residents, and wasting nearly $550 million in Federal urban aid it has received over a 30 year period.

Fun Trivia

Irish last names have a certain characteristic to them. What’s the most Irish name?

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Fun Trivia

What name is even more Irish than that?

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Know Thy Enemy: The Irish

Top ‘o the morning to ya! Today’s Saint Patty’s day which means its time for getting drunk, getting in fights, and breaking ceasefire agreements with the British. Now, I’m half Irish myself, and, as such, am quite a jovial, dangerous fellow. Others around you may be Irish, too. So what do you do if you encounter an Irishman? Well, I sent my crack research staff to find out all they can about the Irish.

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Star Wars Episode III – Dark and Diabolical

For nearly 30 years, the world has waited with baited breath for the final installment of the Star Wars saga, expecting George Lucas to make it the best movie in the history of cinema.
Fools that we are.
Let’s be real about this. Lucas is living high, fat, and happy on the DVD residuals and just wants to get this over with. Even if this thing completely tanks at the box office, he’s still set for life. Do you HONESTLY think he’s going to put any effort into this? This is the guy who gave a Jamaican accent and eye stalks to the Trix Rabbit and made him the main character of Episode I. It’s far more likely that he’ll just throw together 2 hours of crap so he can get this thing over with. He doesn’t care! He’s the Great George Lucas! Worship him!
So what can you expect to see now that the gloves are off and he’s free to bludgeon us with his apathy? My theories are in the extended entry:

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RWD’s News Round-up, Thursday

Hello all,
I’m RightWingDuck and I’m here to share the news!!
Well, everybody’s talking about it. Robert Blake has been found “Not Guilty”.
Blake was surprised but happy. Outside the courthouse, Blake was so overcome by emotion that he almost dropped his gun.
He’s so excited he’s going to throw a party. He’s going to invite family, friends, and people who refused to kill his wife.
In fact, you’re all invited!! Remember, Los Angeles is a great place to visit. Come on out, get a tan, and knock off your wife.
In other big trials, Scott Peterson was sentenced to death.
So, if you’re going to kill your wife — remember these three secrets: Location, location, location.
Scott Peterson’s lawyer is seeking a new trial.
And why wouldn’t he – the first one didn’t end too well, did it?
So now he’s gotten the death penalty. Or as Scott would call it — “Gone Fishin'”

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