Links of the Day

I’ve been a bad linker all week because I’ve been super-busy. To make up for that, I’m going to use proper capitalization for this post.
Brian J has very important information for you involving your toothbrush! Don’t miss it, this could affect you!
Um, Frank J., we need to talk.
Beth‘s Carnival of the Recipes has been forgotten until tomorrow. Bad spacemonkey! You are now responsible for linking to it tomorrow.
For the gunlovers out there, Carnival of the Cordite #5 is up over at Technogypsy.
That’s all for today, ronin. Be honorable.

Forget the jokes – for now.

Hello Readers,
RightWindDuck here with a moment of seriousness.
Drudge is reporting that Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube has been removed.
I’ve followed this story only in the recent 15 months.
Here’s my question to you guys:
If her feeding tube has been removed, thus eliminating all ‘extraordinary life saving measures’ – are they NOT required to still spoon feed her?
Can her parents then sue for discrimination or neglect if the doctors are not at least TRYING to spoon feed Terri?
Maybe this is the part where prayer comes in.
Here’s a National Review article that really hits hard on some important questions. (Hat tip: Hugh Hewitt)
Nice to know congress is investigating the truly important issues of our day – Baseball and Steroids.

Fun Trivia

What the most controversial change to the orgin of Darth Vader that George Lucas is putting in Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith?

Continue reading ‘Fun Trivia’ »

Basil’s War

Supposed, some time ago I said I would arbitrate all wars in the blogosphere being Misha’s Secretary of War. I don’t remember – I say lots of things – but basil has taken me up on it. And, since he’s a patron advertiser, I’m taking him seriously. Here’s his declaration:

Continue reading ‘Basil’s War’ »

RWD’s News Round-Up, Friday

I’m RightWingDuck and I’m here to share the news.
Funding is getting tight for government workers in Buffalo. Very little cleaning is done in their bathrooms, the toilets are clogged, and they sometimes have to bring their own soap and toilet paper.
Solutions are right around the corner. In one test project all reports will be printed on special paper.
“Boss, how did you like my report?”
“Hmmm. Quilted. 2-play. Comfy all round. Good work, Johnson. I’ll need another report after lunch.”
“I’m on it boss.”

Other solutions include an innovative new work idea- Bring your Plumber to Work Day.

Continue reading ‘RWD’s News Round-Up, Friday’ »