Top Ten List Of Really Hard To Write Top 10 Lists

Sometimes top ten lists practically write themselves. Others are a lot harder. Some, well, forget it. With that in mind, I give you the..

Top Ten List Of Really Hard To Write Top 10 Lists.

10. Top 10 List Of Food Items Michael Moore Has Not Eaten At Least 12 Of At A Single Sitting…Today

9. Top 10 List Of Elements Of Any Christian Holiday That The ACLU Has Not Sued Someone About

8. Top 10 List Of Elements Of Any Non-Christian Holiday That The ACLU Has Sued ANYONE About

7. Top 10 Longest Times Ted Kennedy Has Been Sober (There’s only one)

6. The Top 10 Comic Strips Drawn by Ted Rall That Were Either Artistic OR Funny (Not Just To His Mom)

5. Top 10 List Of People Who’ve Ever Paid Back Every Cent They Borrowed From You

4. Top 10 List Of Bathroom Floors You’d Ever Apply The “Three Second Rule” To

3. Top 10 List Of Sharp, Knife-Like Items That Are Fun To Gouge Really, Really Deeply Into Your Eye (Either One)

2. Top 10 List Of Admirable Things About Oliver Willis, KOS , and Atrios (combined)

and the Number One Really Hard To Write Top 10 List…

1. Top 10 List Of People Who’d Rather Read A Top 10 List About Top 10 Lists Than Eat Freshly Baked Pie. Mmmmmm Pie.

Fun Trivia

What is the largest dinosaur?

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Most Addictive Game in the Universe

Can’t stop playing this game!
The rules are kinda hard to understand since they are in broken English, but basically you click on a little green guy to make his backpack fly up into the air. If it lands on the head of another green guy, he falls down and then runs in the opposite direction he was going. To get mucho points, you want to get groups of green guys running back and forth, timing it just right so you keep bopping them on the heads.
I once got over 40,000 points and was in the top ten, but competition is more fierce now. If you play, add “Ronin” to the end of your name so you can be spotted in the recent scores (it’s ruled by NRO fans right now).
Must keep playing until I get the perfect storm and make the top ten!
UPDATE: Top scores have been reset!

In My World: Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged

“There should be homosexual marriages!” the judge declared, “Actually, only homosexuals should get married! That’s the mainstream.”
“Then why do polls show most people opposing it?” asked a reporter.
“Because of the majority of the people are out of the mainstream!” the judge yelled. “Also, there should be no mention of God by the government or the public! There should only be mention of me, because I’m more powerful than God! Muh ha ha ha!”
Bush turned off the T.V. “The public is not going to want these radical, liberal judges’ decrees enforced,” President Bush said, “which means I’m going to have to send out federal troops to kill the judges.” He turned to Vice President Cheney. “How do you think that will affect my approval rating?”
“By three points,” Cheney answered, “plus or minus.”
“The important thing is to get our judges approved to balance out the crazies,” Bush said.
“Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are coming to talk just about that,” Cheney told him.
Bush looked to White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan. “I want you to stand near the doorway and hit Reid over head with a stick as hard as you can when he enters.”
“I dunno about that…”
“Just do it!” Bush commanded Scott.
Scott hid by the doorway and held up a stick ready to strike. When Harry Reid entered, Scott bashed him on the head.
“I knew he wasn’t a true samurai!” Bush exclaimed.
“I never claimed to be!” Reid yelled, clutching his head.
“Worth checking, though.”
Nancy Pelosi came right up to Bush’s face and smiled. “I’m afraid we’re not allowing your judges an up or down vote. This democracy experiment may have worked in Iraq, but that doesn’t mean we’re ready to try it Congress.”
Bush backed away from her. “Ahh! It looks like she’s trying to shoot her skull out of her face at me!”
Senatorette Barbara Boxer then entered Bush office. “We’re not letting your judges get a vote because they are too extreme!” she said.
“If they’re extreme to you,” Bush answered, “That means they’re either super-crazy extreme or normal.”
Ted Kennedy then emerged at the doorway, not quite able to fit through it. “Grerawerr!” he shouted.
Bush picked up a bat and started hitting Kennedy. “You get out of here!” Kennedy grabbed the bat in his teeth and pulled it away from Bush.
“I told you not to let Ted Kennedy in here!” Laura Bush shouted from outside the room.
“I’m trying to get rid of him, honey!” Bush answered.
Reid had now gotten back to his feet. “We won’t let your judges get voted on. Some are even women and minorities… people who should not be let away from the Democratic Party.”
“Test if he’s a samurai again, Scott,” Bush said.
Scott smacked Reid back to the ground. Kennedy had now chewed the bat to splinters and was still trying to claw into the Oval Office. Bush went back to his desk and picked up a shotgun from behind it. He fired it into the air. “Shoo, Democrats! Shoo!”
The Democrats all scattered.
“Can I hit anyone else with a stick?” Scott asked.
Bush put his shotgun back. “No. Go back to doing useless things like talking to the press.”
“Aww,” Scott whined and then sulked off.
“We need a new strategery,” Bush told Cheney.

“I will see all babies aborted,” the judge told the Senators. “Babies being born is a travesty to mankind. Also, I’ll have homosexuals forced to marry at gunpoint.”
“This judge is in the mainstream,” Senatorette Boxer declared.
“But, according to his records,” Senator Byrd said, “I have suspicion that he’s a black man. Are you a black man conspiring with the Republicans?”
“That’s ridiculous!” the judge answered, sweating out of nervousness. He wiped away the sweat with a handkerchief and accidentally took off some of his white makeup.
“He is a black man!” Byrd shouted, “We can’t be tricked into voting for black man!”
“Guess it’s time for the nuclear option,” Bush told the judge, “Let’s head for the bomb shelter.”
“I thought the nuclear option involved forcing and up or down vote,” the judge stated.
“No one told me that,” Bush answered. He then looked to the Senators. “Now all you Democrats wait here… or within a five mile radius.”

RWD’s News Round-Up, Monday

I’m RightWingDuck and I’m here to share the news.
Unless, you live in Dallas. Then the news is bad. Have you read this?
Dallas is the top city for crime.
This explains the newest trend in street slang — “gimme your money, partner.”
Crime is so bad, the only safe place for visitors in Dallas is on the football field.
Dallas has drive by shooting just like all the other cities. Finding the criminals can be tough – all the cows look so much alike.
Do you know what criminals really want? A North Face jacket!
True. Police are noticing that the expensive jackets are often the target of street crime.
Now this can make for a very interesting mugging.
“That’s right man. This jacket is mine, punk. Ha. Mine, mine, mine!!!(Pause) Say, man, do you have this in an Extra large?”

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Open Thread (Just Like on Kos!)

I guess I’ll start the conversation today. Like most people, I was wondering what is the use of a kitten. So, I tried to teach her to box; a boxing kitten seemed like it would be kinda cool. But, no matter how many times I said, “Block your head,” and jabbed her in her kitty face, she just kept staring at my fist and not putting up her defenses. I think defending the head is one of the biggest fundamentals in boxing, and, if my kitten can’t even do that, I don’t know if I’ll ever make her a competent boxer. Well, guess I’ll try some more tonight.
BTW, an IMW is ready to post whenever I feel like it.

Brief Gloating

Sorry, I just have to point out this quote from the UK Guardian:

George Lucas is not worried whether fans will like Revenge of the Sith, the final chapter in his latest trilogy of Star Wars films…”That’s not my job, to make people like my movies.”

Told ya.

Totally True Tidbits About ANWR

The US Senate recently voted to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration. Hearing this made made me so happy that I celebrated by beating up a hippy. While washing the blood off my hands, it occurred to me that I don’t actually know anything about ANWR. After extensive Googling however, I still didn’t know anything, so (in the extended entry) I made up these


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