Links of the Day

Carnival of the Recipes #31 is up over at Flying Spacemonkey Chronicles, but i’m not sure if that blogger is any good. 😉
and Alex in Wonderland has been playing in the Uncyclopedia. and there’s French-bashing!
nighty night, ronin!

Hollywood Used To Choose Life…

…about 50 years ago.
It was 50 years ago that Hollywood produced optimistic, thoughtful, and dare I say pro-life shows. In the past week of non-stop Terri Schiavo news I have been reminded of one of my favorites from the Golden Age of Television: “Breakdown” starring Joseph Cotten.
Alfred Hitchcock produced and directed the story of a car-accident victim whose body is paralyzed but is completely cognizant of his post-crash situation: the road workers, the police, and the doctors at the scene and in the morgue say he’s dead. The paralyzed man desperately tries to communicate the fact that he’s still alive but in a diminished capacity to all involved, but nothing changes their minds…
…until the paralyzed man sheds a tear in his sadness of being written off by everyone around him. A low-level worker at the morgue notices and the paralyzed man’s life is miraculously saved at the last minute. That was compassionate and caring Hollywood in 1955.
In 2005, compassionate and caring Hollywood would end the episode with the mortician saying: “You didn’t see a tear and you have no legal standing as a low-level employee of this organization to prescribe a course of treatment outside this dead man’s insurance. Now, let’s allow him to die with dignity. Besides, Halliburton is paying us top dollar for his internal organs!”
Oh, and the TV drama would end with 3 minutes of Union-mandated credits…
UPDATE: In 1985, Hollywood remade the “Breakdown” TV drama for a (pardon the pun) revival of 1955’s Alfred Hitchcock Presents. In a nod to what my pals at The Michael Medved Show are calling Hollywood’s increasing promotion of the culture of death, the 1985 remake has the paralyzed accident victim eviscerated alive by the mortician whose business just happens to have been ruined by the actions of the paralyzed man.

Top Ten Uses for a Cat

Ain’t a cat person, but I gots me a kitten. Thus, I’ve tried to find some use for it.
10. Paper shredder.
9. Foot warmer.
8. Football.
7. Hand towel.
6. Boxing partner.
5. General destruction of property.
4. Rubber band slingshot target.
3. Test subject for experimental rocket skateboard (need duct tape).
2. Topic for top ten lists.
And the number one use for a cat…

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Blue-Eyed Fidelity

I really need to update my blogroll, including updating the links to Rachel Lucas’s new blog. Anyway, I haven’t linked to her in a long while, so why don’t you read her rant about Terri Schiavo (WARNING: Contains vulgarity and strident opinions).

A Post About Nothing

Man, I’m getting burned out. It’s like the same political news stories over and over. I’m tired about talking about Social Security.
You know they got my name wrong? My last name is commonly misspelled, but they actually got it completely wrong so as it would be pronounced differently. How am I supposed to trust them with my retirement when they can’t even get my name right? Still, I wonder if the fact that I file taxes under a false name (given to me by the government) might protect me from some future liability.
What was I saying? Oh yeah, I’m burnt out on the politics until something new happens, so I might as well talk about myself. Right now, I’m wearing a leather jacket. It’s like 80 degrees outside, but it’s always cold where I work. At least I have some protection now in case a knife fight breaks out. Leather armor never seems to help a cow, though.
I got some bongos. They came with the game Donkey Konga, where you play them in beat with the game. Haven’t tried it yet as I’m waiting to get a second pair of bongos so I can play the game with SarahK. The couple that plays videogames together, stays together.
Also, my kitten is now skittish… probably from me punching her in the face trying to teach her to box. Hey, it’s a harsh world out there, kitty; get used to it. Then again, you’re a house cat. Anyhoo, she better toughen up for whenever I finally get a dog if she doesn’t want to be a squeaky toy.
Sometimes my kitten freaks me out when she stares at me. Dogs don’t stare at you; they consider it disrespectful. Sydney will stare at me, though, with that expressionless face of hers. Have no ideas what she’s planning. It’s a great poker face. Maybe I should teach her poker instead of boxing…
I guess that’s all I have to say right now. So, are there any good news stories that haven’t been done to death yet?

Frequently Asked Questions About Harvey

After a month of tossing up posts, maybe it’s time I introduced myself (in the extended entry):

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