The Humane Thing to Do Is Let Africa Starve
An Editorial by Frank J.

 Africa has been a troubled region for some time. Unstable politics, genocide, aids outbreaks, mass starvation – we do what we can to help, we send money to Sally Struthers, but do we really think Africa is going to get better and be a fully functional continent again? Sure, we can keep things patched together, but each day Africa exists is just another day of suffering. It’s time we face up to reality and give Africa the peace it needs in a natural end.

 It’s time we starve everyone in Africa to death.

“Yes, before someone brings it up, America does have a 10 trillion dollar life insurance policy on Africa.”

 The U.N. will certainly be on board with this as dealing with Africa has been too much for them as well. We’ll have to watch all entry points where people may misguidedly try to bring food to the Africans; as leaders of the world, this is our choice to make and others shouldn’t subvert it. Plus, this is what Africa wants as I think I remember some ancient tribal leaders saying they wanted their people starved to death if the continent ended up like it is today.

 And yes, before someone brings it up, America does have a 10 trillion dollar life insurance policy on Africa that can be cashed if everyone there dies, but this isn’t about America – this is about Africa and what’s best for it. And you’d have to be a pretty heartless person to not see how death by starvation is what the people of Africa would really want. Yes, I can’t know that I can’t know for sure since they speak languages I don’t understand, but can’t you see they’re tired of barely making it by on foreign aid and showing their children in television ads? They want a natural end.

 It’s a hard choice to make, but it is ours. Some may complain about us choosing wrong, but the important thing is we know we’re right while we let millions die.
Frank J. is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear worldwide on and is the author of such books as “I Was Following My Hamster’s Wishes When I Put Him in the Microwave” and “Violent Offenders Deserve a Natural Death”.

RWD’s News Round-Up, Wednesday

I’m RightWingDuck and I’m here to share the news.
Man, there is just so much happening out there.
Sad news. A young man in Minnesota killed his family, then drove to his school and started shooting people at random.
I get upset over this for two reasons (besides the victims). One — it’s always some kid who was a loner and had troubles. And two, the gun lobby works itself into a frenzy.
Why does this always seem to happen in some tiny town — why not here in Los Angeles?
Here in LA, at least the kids are packin’. That whack job would have gotten some serious return fire.
“I am the angel of Death. I am here to kill all of yo..(bam, bam bam) aaaieee. Stop, no, stop.Aah. I was just kid…”
Maybe if we get rid of guns, students can find a more humane way to knock each other off — like starvation!!
Terri Schiavo is running out of time. I’ll be writing more about this later on so I’ll just say this.. wouldn’t it be funny if somebody tried to kill Michael Schiavo — but they missed his vital organs, but he was mostly brain dead — and his family said, “Well, we know he wouldn’t want to live this way.” So they pulled the plug.
Sometimes, I just hate that life isn’t like a Hollywood movie.
In real life, Terri dies, Michael sues everyone, and the Left blames President Bush.
You need cheering up? Just open a paper and read what’s happening at Harvard. It’s all good.

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What’s Irking North Korea?

(A Precision Guided Humor Assignment)
What the heck is North Korea’s problem? They don’t have nukes, then they DO have nukes. They want to talk, then they DON’T want to talk. They’re all whiny & high maintenance. It’s like dating a supermodel, except without the good looks and fake boobs.
Why are they so irritable? Nobody knows. But I’ll make some stuff up & put it in the extended entry:

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