Cat Blogging to Come!

“Yay!” I can hear you all yelling, “More pictures of cats! That’s all I ever wanted! That is all I exist for!”
Anyway, to tide you over, here’s a picture of me with my stupid monkey cat.

I Have an Actual Reason to Hate President Bush

There are a lot of people who hate bush for idiotic and imagined reasons. Now, some conservatives don’t like him for some fiscal policies, but, of course, the left hate him viscerally for tinfoil hat reasons that Bush and Rove are plotting to destroy the earth and enslave everybody. Those people froth at the mouth at the mention of Bush. They’re convinced freedom to dissent is being quashed even though no one is stopping them from babbling like idiots.
Actually, of all these haters I’ve seen, they all hate for things they think Bush is doing or will do, but none have actually been personally affected in any significant way by Bush’s policies to bring any credit to their rancor.
I, on the other hand, am affected quite personally by Bush’s policies.

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RWD’s News Round-Up, Tuesday

I’m RightWingDuck and I’m here to share the news.
I have some sad Easter news, unfortunately.
A boy may face charges for smacking the Easter Bunny in the face.
This is what happens when kids are allowed to smack elves around. It just escalates, people!!
Give the man in the bunny costume some credit, he felt it was not right for the Easter bunny to hit back.. Funny though, it’s the first time kids heard a bunny squeal like a stuck pig.
But watch yourself kid, the Easter Bunny knows people, if you know what I mean.
This will lead to father-son conversations such as:
“Daddy, what’s that Elf doing out here at this time of year?”
“Well son, it appears to be a half-nelson.”

A Wendy’s restaurant in Northern California, served a customer a special surprise!!
(hat tip to reader Gaskar — who had this to me long before Drudge posted it)
Yep. A customer found a part of a severed finger in her bowl of chili.
Worst part? They advertise it as TWO finger chili!!
She was robbed man. She was robbed.
Sales of chili were down. Way down.
It’s sad to see chile in single digits. And vice versa.
Police are looking for the owner of the severed finger – but as of yesterday, they hadn’t fingered anyone.

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Helpful Wedding Advice

Everyone’s trying to tell Frank & Sarah how they should get married. Which is a complete waste of time, because – as the groom – Frank’s job is to stand where he’s told, and SarahK is all strong-headed, so she’s just gonna do whatever she wants, anyway. Sure, she’ll make little noises about “Frank, do you like this china pattern?”, but if Frank’s smart, he’ll just nod & say “Yes, Dear” (handy phrase, that – it’ll save your marriage) instead of giving into temptation and quipping, “Too much blue. It won’t stand out against the sky when I’m really drunk one day and using it for skeet.”
So I’m going to give wedding advice (in the extended entry) to everyone else contemplating marriage, instead. And you damn well better follow it, because I’m a married man & I’ve got street cred, yo.

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