“Protestants for the Pope” Pray for Pontiff

As a Protestant, I’m not a believer in the whole “Pope as conduit to God” thing that my Catholic buddies like Frank do. Like the Jews, we believe that the true conduit to The Divine is through the Ark of the Covenant (which is why Lucas and Spielberg are such good friends)
I really like the Pope because he stood up to the Soviets as Pope and in his pre-Pontiff days he fought against the Nazis in WWII.
Sounds like a good guy to me, and I’m praying for the Pope to get well soon. His condidtion has apparently stabilized now but there was a point when he was on a feeding tube…
…considering what happened today in Florida it’s good thing the Pope ain’t married.

Announcment Soon

I just made a big deal for the IMAO website. More details real soon.

Swarming Sharks!

Hello, Aquafans.
I was all down after those Congressional hearings about drug use by superheroes, when I heard about swarms of sharks closing beaches in Florida.
Am I wrong, but doesn’t this sound a lot like a job for…

Continue reading ‘Swarming Sharks!’ »

RWD’s News Round-Up, Thursday

I’m RightWingDuck. And I’m here to share the news.
I’ll start today’s Round-Up with some sad news.
Terri Schiavo passed away this morning. There was a lot of controversy over this case. Her parents stated that Terri wanted to live. Her husband, Michael, said that she really wanted to die.
Rest in peace, Terri.
In other news, the Pope is getting nutrition through a feeding tube placed in his nose.
Michael Schiavo today announced that the Pope once told him he wouldn’t want to be kept alive through artificial means.
The ACLU is filing suit at the Vatican to ensure religious extremists do not get involved.
The Minuteman project is almost underway in Arizona.
A group of 1,000 or so volunteers will sit across a stretch of the Arizona Mexico border and watch for illegal alien crossings. They will be there with radios, cell phones, and their vehicles.
Think about it: Over 600 cars, in a line, for over a month.
So it’s just like the LA commute, only faster.
The ACLU is fiercely opposed to all of this activity. They feel it is not fair to turn anyone away, unless they’re wearing a a t-shirt with the Ten Commandments.
The Minutemen insist that they are only there to observe. They will call for Border Patrol to come pick them up. In the meantime, they’ll report and track all those crossing into the US.
“Yep, I see one crossing. Yep, I’m following him.”
Later–(on the phone)
“Okay. He found a job and is staying with friends.”
Later–(on the phone)
“Yep, he found his own place. Hurry.”
Later–(on the phone)
“He’s getting married. She’s illegal too. We’ve got ’em both. Hurry up and grab ’em.”
Later–(on the phone)
“I’m still watching. Hurry up, she’s going into labor.”
Later–(on the phone)
“I’m passing this one off. I’ve been arrested for stalking. They say I violated their rights. No, I can’t escape to Mexico. I don’t have a visa.”

Continue reading ‘RWD’s News Round-Up, Thursday’ »

Knowing When to Say Goodbye
An Editorial by Frank J.

 If you ever want entertainment, find some Democrats trying to figure out what they need to do to regain the public’s respect and win elections. It’s like a bunch of schizophrenics trying to diagnose themselves:

DEM1: Our problem are the giant beetles running around everywhere screaming nursery rhymes!
DEM2: No, that’s just a distraction from the fact that Jesus has appeared to us as a chipmunk and wants us to bring him crackers.
DEM3: We have to stop talking about that because that just gets us in trouble. Let’s stick to the core issue of how everyone’s face is melting.

“People are about as likely to trust Democrats to handle the evils of the world as I am to trust my kitten to guard my house.”

 For example, here’s Kevin Drum trying to relate all the hot-button social issues. Though he can’t fit guns and school prayer into the meme, he says that sex education, abortion, sex/porn on TV, contraception, gay rights, and welfare (?) all are sex/gender issues and thus Democrats need to focus more on “gender equality” (whatever that buzzword is supposed to mean).

 Now, if he only listed the issues as:
* Guns
* School prayer
* Sex education
* Abortion
* Porn on TV
* Use of contraception
* Gays’ rights
* Welfare reforms
He could have fit them all together in that they all have an even number of letters and ranted about how that relates to some Rovian, Xian scheme. Then his post would have been a full-out parody instead of just on the edge of one.

 And Kevin Drum is the sane one of the major liberal bloggers. Atrios and Kos think the main problem with the Democrats is that Howard Dean didn’t scream loud enough in Iowa.

 Incidentally, Drum stumbles onto the real problem of the Democrats when he notes here how whomever has the lead on what is polled as the most major issue almost always wins the presidential election. Last year, the salient issue was terrorism which Bush had a 17 percentage point lead on. Drum’s remedy is to find the top issue and focus on that. What he skips over is that there is no way the Democrats can win if the main issue is terrorism or any other major national issue. The Democrats are a bunch of namby-pambies; they’re good for whining about “fairness,” but that just doesn’t work in a world with savage killers whom we want great unfairness inflicted upon. People are about as likely to trust Democrats to handle the evils of the world as I am to trust my kitten Sydney to guard my house.

 It’s time for Democrats to face up to reality. They can’t face up to reality because Occam’s Razor cuts too deeply – that being the fact they just plain suck. They had a great run, though – hell, they were the majority party for almost all of the last century – but there time has come and gone. The best thing for them to do is disband. They can form a little clubhouse, remember the good ‘ole days, and stop running for office and just making fools of themselves.

 Maybe in fifteen years or so they could do a reunion tour. I bet I’d laugh and applaud to see Ted Kennedy come out on stage and shout, “That tax cut is only for the rich!” after having not heard that phrase for over a decade. We’d all look to each other and remember back in the day when they would say that and meant it seriously.

 My future children would probably look to the Democrats prancing on stage and ask, “Who are those people, daddy?”

 “Those are the Democrats,” I’d answer, “They used to be elected to government.”

 My kids would laugh, thinking their dad was teasing them again. And I’d leave them to their innocence.
Frank J. is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear worldwide on IMAO.us and is the author of such books as “Remember the Whigs?” and “The Democrat Buzzword to English Handbook”.

“as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me”

The controversy ends for one.
Matthew 25:42

for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink;

My Poor Monkey Cat!

Just dropped off Sydney to be spayed. All the way to the vet she kept making the most pitiful little monkey-squeak as if to say, “Please throw me in a bog instead!”
Well, can’t pick her up until tomorrow morning. Now who will claw at my toes while I try to sleep?
Anyhoo, didn’t get all the cat-monkey pictures together I wanted, so cat blogging will be delayed for a bit – for those who cared.
UPDATE: I got a call from the surgeon that the procedure is done and Sydney is okay and all you commenters can shut up.