A Post About Nothing

Man, I’m getting burned out. It’s like the same political news stories over and over. I’m tired about talking about Social Security.
You know they got my name wrong? My last name is commonly misspelled, but they actually got it completely wrong so as it would be pronounced differently. How am I supposed to trust them with my retirement when they can’t even get my name right? Still, I wonder if the fact that I file taxes under a false name (given to me by the government) might protect me from some future liability.
What was I saying? Oh yeah, I’m burnt out on the politics until something new happens, so I might as well talk about myself. Right now, I’m wearing a leather jacket. It’s like 80 degrees outside, but it’s always cold where I work. At least I have some protection now in case a knife fight breaks out. Leather armor never seems to help a cow, though.
I got some bongos. They came with the game Donkey Konga, where you play them in beat with the game. Haven’t tried it yet as I’m waiting to get a second pair of bongos so I can play the game with SarahK. The couple that plays videogames together, stays together.
Also, my kitten is now skittish… probably from me punching her in the face trying to teach her to box. Hey, it’s a harsh world out there, kitty; get used to it. Then again, you’re a house cat. Anyhoo, she better toughen up for whenever I finally get a dog if she doesn’t want to be a squeaky toy.
Sometimes my kitten freaks me out when she stares at me. Dogs don’t stare at you; they consider it disrespectful. Sydney will stare at me, though, with that expressionless face of hers. Have no ideas what she’s planning. It’s a great poker face. Maybe I should teach her poker instead of boxing…
I guess that’s all I have to say right now. So, are there any good news stories that haven’t been done to death yet?


  1. My Australian shepherd (bless her dead little hide) used to stare at me, very disconcertingly: “Can I get you something? Is there something you’d like me to chase? Shall I take you for a walk?” I’d be trying to get some writing done, or maybe just sitting on my butt reading blogs. She’d stare and stare. Drove me nuts.

  2. When you mentioned your cat looking at you, it reminded me of this:
    “Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.”

  3. If you’re smart, you’ll refrain from touching SarahK’s bongos until you put a ring on her finger. She might pistol whip you, and I don’t think a leather jacket provides protection from that.

  4. I can totally identfy with the “news boredom.” I have been going through the same myself for the past several days. I’m tired of the same news being reported. I’m sure there is lots of things going on in the Middle East or somewhere. I’m glad you posted this, cause I thought it was just me.

  5. Some of our troops nailed a couple dozen insurgents. The bad guys probably feel like that story has been done to death, but the fact that the MSM [news wires at least] reported it is a story in itself.
    Terri’s murder is not complete yet. The Pope is still alive. Ukraine and Bulgaria are leaving Iraq.
    Some punk shot up the place in Minnesota. Is the problem availability of guns, or the crazy things people do when they go into a homicidal rage?
    Not much funny out there, besides this.

  6. So, Frank J. has gone from “My mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening thru a cosmic vapor of invention” to “Ditto.”
    If only there were a blog that posted daily roundups of actual Headline News, with comments (and didn’t even credit Frank J. with the idea), he would have all sorts of inspiration. But where would we find such a blog? Where?

  7. I have three cats (soon to be five, mom-in-law died last month, left us the funeral bill and her cats). Anyhoo, used to have a decorative chess set on display. Cats played chess all day. Cat’s can’t play chess well. Kept having to retrive pieces from under the water heater. I didn’t know a water heater had a role in chess. must be cats rules.

  8. About the Social inSecurity administration messing up names. They made a mistake on mine twice. The first time they misspelled my first name. Sprine. Sounds like I’d been pickled. I mean come on, it’s a first grade spelling word for goodness sake. But then I’m used to having to spell it our for people. I guess they can’t believe that someone would name their daughter Spring. I still can’t believe it.
    The second time they mushed up my maiden name and my married names together to form some strange Frankename.

  9. If your kitten is truly as evil as you have previously stated, worry about the dog if it’s still a puppy.
    The two cats that I live with turned the one year old puppy that we brought over to visit into a quivering, whining ball of pain and fear in a few minutes. He’s now deathly afraid of coming near a cat.
    …I suppose I would be afraid of cats if I got bitten by a cat in that tender location too…

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