“as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me”

The controversy ends for one.
Matthew 25:42

for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink;

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  1. God Bless her and her family. And I will continue to pray that Michael Shaivo realizes what he has done, and is able to repent, beg for forgivness and change his life. Before he does something like this his current live in love and her children.

  2. May Terri rest in peace.
    May Michael Shaivo get his just retribution when he’s old and it’s his children who are making the decisions.
    Payback’s a b@#$%.
    Imperial Keeper

  3. Amen, Frank. We are all called to serve others.
    There are things that all of us can do to support a culture of life. Register as an organ donor. Give blood or blood products (there’s a process called apheresis that permits the donor to give, for example, just platelets, and get nearly all the red cells back). Volunteer in a hospital. Your action will have a direct benefit, plus the indirect benefit of contributing to a culture of life.

  4. In my human nature, I really want to curse Michael, and pray that he will go to hell and endure torment for eternity.
    But, my Christian nature has to agree with Tim.

    Matthew 5:43-45 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.”

  5. Michael Schiavo is a abuser, in my opinion. I stop short of calling him a murderer, but not by much.
    The parents are victims as well, and my heart goes out to them. They need to open a lawsuit charging Michael Schiavo with abuse, neglect and wrongful death, and name the judges who enabled him as accessories.
    What a tragic loss, but perhaps Terris’ death has not been in vain. I think that our collective eyes have been opened.

  6. Alot of these folks have the right idea about Michael Schiavo. Hating him will not bring Terri back, and it will do nothing but make us look vindictive. Since we’re already quoting scripture, I’ll just take Matthew 5:43 a little further:
    46: For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
    47: And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?

    It’s a valid point. The most evil suckers in the world still have friends they love and treat well, as long as their friends do the same. The tricky part is forgiveness. That’s what can melt hearts and wake people up.

  7. May she rest in peace. And may I not suffer the same fate as her. I would hope that if I were to convey my wishes that my life not be extended by extraordinary means, that wish would be honored. I don’t know what kind of husband Schiavo was, I would guess that none of you do either. What I do know is that the courts have ruled that her apparent wishes were being honored. Why is it that everyone wants to demonize the husband? For all we know her wish was that she not live this quality (?) of life. Is it no different from a loved one being taken off dyalysis? Different from “pulling the plug”? Personally, I think not. It would do us all good to stay out of their lives.

  8. Ashley, this is from Thomas Sowell just today:
    “People who go through life never having heard the other side of issues ranging from environmentalism to minimum wage laws are nevertheless emboldened to lash out in ignorance at anyone who disturbs their vision of the world. The self-confident moral preening of ignoramuses is perhaps an inevitable product of the promotion of “self-esteem” in our schools.”
    Which pretty much sums up my opinion of your comment. You have not availed yourself of the vast amount of information concerning this case that would at the very least throw into doubt the veracity and motivation of Michael Shiavo and his lawyers and Judge Greer. Please educate yourself.

  9. May she rest in peace. I hope that we can learn something from this. In my experiance, most families don’t discuss thier wishes about “What if?” cases in life. Families should try to discuss what each member would want if put in a position similar to Terri’s. The last thing any family needs in such hard times are ugly lawsuits and trials over what someone’s ‘alleged’ wishes were.

  10. The only good I see in this story is that it has opened the eyes of so many when discussing “what if” scenarios with their families as well as putting their wishes into writing. We all have a purpose in life whether we know what it is or not. As painful as this was to endure, hopefully everyone affected by this story will not allow the same mistake to happen to them. For me personally, I’ve never even thought about a living will until this story surfaced. It’s just not something I ever thought about. I’ve will be remedying that very, very soon.
    God bless Terri and the Schindler’s and all who prayed for them. I’m sorry but I’m just not at a level in my spirituality where I can say anything nice about that excuse of a husband of hers. I think Glenn Beck said it best this morning, “Congratulations Michael, you have achieved your goal. You have killed your wife.”

  11. “For all we know…” are the key words there Ashley. And I agree with Plea Deal…educate yourself and then draw a conclusion mmmkay? Terri never wrote down or told anyone else her wishes (at the tender and healthy age of 24 I might add.) Without written instructions, we need to err on the side of LIFE!!
    God rest her soul, and remember to say a prayer for the Pope tonight as well.

  12. Thankfully, Terri is in the merciful arms of God, free of the pain and limitations of this world. I wonder where Michael will end up for eternity? I hope where ever it is, he’s just out of reach of a big glass of water. I told my husband tonight, God help the incapacitated people in this country, such as our profoundly handicapped daughter, because this case has set a dangerous precedent that starving a handicapped person to death is okay with our government, and apparently, a lot of our citizens.

  13. Yis’ga’dal v’yis’kadash sh’may ra’bbo, b’olmo dee’vro chir’usay v’yamlich malchu’say, b’chayaychon uv’yomay’chon uv’chayay d’chol bais Yisroel, ba’agolou’viz’man koriv; v’imru Omein.
    May the great Name of God be exalted and sanctified, throughout the world, which he has created according to his will. May his Kingship be established in your lifetime and in your days, and in the lifetime of the entire household of Israel, swiftly and in the near future; and say, Amen.

  14. BFOL-
    I agree with the first half of your statement. However, I have to disagree with you on the second half of your comments, at least in part. I don’t believe that anyone feels that it is OK for the government to starve anyone to death. That’s why the Pres, Congressman, and Senators are under fire for doing exactly what they are allowed to do under the Constitution. Each level of government is classified by the Constitution as being seperate but equal. Each on was intended to be a check on the other two. In this case it was two of those parts of government, Legislative and Executive, that exercised their right under the Constitution to serve as a check on the third, the Judiciary. There were enough unanswered questions in this case where the Executive and Legislative branches said, “Hey, let’s give this woman one more chance to have her case heard one more time to answer all of these questions, just to make sure everything that’s happened in the past 15 years is correct.” They spoke for those who couldn’t speak for themselves. That’s what they’re supposed to do.
    Remember the Bill of Rights? “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” I know that’s in there somewhere. They were attempting to protect that very first right, the right to “Life.”
    We shouldn’t direct our anger, angst, disappointment, ire, etc at the government as a whole. We should direct it at the branch of government that allowed this to happen, the Judicial/Judiciary branch. Did anyone really thing the 11th Circus Court of Appeals would rule any differently than they had in the past yesterday? Hell no! They wanted no part of this story and proved it time and time again. And then they had (at least one of them) the cojones to actually berate the President and Congress for doing what they are Constiutionally obliged to do!
    The Judiciary in this country has come to believe that they are the end all/ be all when it comes to cases such and this and this is simply not the case! They are putting themselves above what they were designed to do!
    ::Stepping down from soap box::
    I apologize for ranting here but I’ve been following this case for at least 3 years now (yeah I know it’s a 15 year old case) and I’ve done my part. I’ve done the research, I’ve read the documents, I’ve seen the video, I’ve read everything I can legally attain regarding this case. In that time (that I’ve been following this case) I’ve changed my opinion several times but facts are facts, fish are fish, if it smells like a cat, it’s probably a cat……get the idea?!
    Whether you agree with what has happened or not, just think about how you would feel about it if it were you, your daughter, your wife, your mother, blah, blah, blah in that situation. Is there anything so wrong with just making sure that everything was done compitently? (SP?) I don’t think so.
    Granted, I wouldn’t want to live like Terri has for the past 15 years. I’m arranging the documents at this moment to make sure that doesn’t happen and I urge everyone who reads this to do the same regardless of whether you wish to live that way or not. The outcome of what happened today is nothing more than state/judical sanctioned murder. No more, no less.
    And for the record…..I’m not a “holy roller, bible thumping, right wing, wingbat.” The last time I was in a church was when I was married 10 years ago. I would rather prefer to rely on logic and rational thought.
    Just my .02.

  15. I totally agree with Leuthen. It was the Judiciary Branch that failed Terri and failed the American People these past couple of weeks. There were three things that should have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt before murdering Terri Shiavo. 1)Her husband had the burden of proof to show that she didn’t want to live the way she was.(I don’t believe he proved that)2)That she should have had due process and allowed all of the testimony to be considered by the courts and not just the documented stuff that was already there–new testimony and evidence should have been able to be heard. There were doctors that had differing opinions on Terri’s condition–they should have been heard.3)They should have given Terri the physical therapy she deserved and been allowed to have been worked with to swallow. This is truly a sad day in America.

  16. “for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink;”
    Good quote. Also made me think of the parable of the Good Samaritan who helped (likely including food and water)the injured man–a large number of Americans just passed by on the other side of the road.
    It also made me think of the miracle of the loaves and fishes–Jesus wouldn’t even let people go hungry for one afternoon, much less starve (or technically dehydrate).
    Someone who can draw should do an editorial cartoon showing Michael Shiavo, Judge Greer, and Felos blocking the entrance to Lazarus’ tomb as Jesus approaches.

  17. Then he prayed, “O Lord, God of my master Abraham, give me success today and show kindness to my master Abraham. See, I am standing beside this spring, and the daughters of the townspeople are coming out to draw water.
    May it be that when I say to a girl, ‘Please let down your jar that I may have a drink,’ that she says ‘Drink, and I’ll have water for your camels, too.’ Let her be the one you have chosen for your servant Isaac. By this I will know that you have shown kindness to my master.”
    Before he had finished praying, Rebekah came out with her jar on her shoulder…
    …The servant hurried to meet her and said, “Please give me a little water from your jar.”
    “Drink, my Lord,” she said, and quickly lowered the jar to her hands and gave him a drink.
    After she had given him a drink she said, “I’ll draw water for your camels, too, until they have finished drinking.” So she quickly emptied her jar into the trough, ran back to the well to draw more water, and drew enough for all of his camels. Without saying a word, the man watched her closely to learn whether or not the Lord had made his journey successful.
    –Genesis 24:12-21

  18. Plea Deal,
    I find your comment extremely arrogant. I have followed this case. I have had no choice. I watch the news a couple hours a day and read the newspaper every day. Pretty hard not to get enough information to draw my own conclusion. And because I have a different conclusion, I need to “educate” myself? How wonderful it must be to have all the answers. You must be a joy to argue with. If one doesn’t concur with your opinion, they must be uneducated imbeciles…
    “I must respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them.”
    -Herbert Henry Lehman

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