Blue-Eyed Fidelity

I really need to update my blogroll, including updating the links to Rachel Lucas’s new blog. Anyway, I haven’t linked to her in a long while, so why don’t you read her rant about Terri Schiavo (WARNING: Contains vulgarity and strident opinions).


  1. Hey…according to the left and the NY Times starvation is “Painless and Humane”.
    We could eliminate poverty (starve the poor to death), we could eliminate the homeless (starve them to death), we could eliminate the sad (starve them to death), we could eliminate the ugly (starve them to death)…hey it’s humane!!!

  2. Since Rachel doesn’t allow comments, let’s hope she peeks in here….Thank you, thank you for expressing so coherently what make us all so angry about this whole sordid thing.
    How that bastid ‘huband’ remains her guardian is quite beyond me, but it looks like the courts will be giving him his reward here on earth…no doubt in my mind he’ll get the rest of his reward in hell.

  3. Hell I thought that was pretty clearly thought out, for a rant. Funny, I was thinking pretty much the same thing about our family dog (we put down 3 months ago, cancer)… if I let her starve and dehydrate to death I would have been a monster.

  4. Well,well,well,I’ve gone to hell. Am I the only one wondering how much money has been spent on this one f***ing case? Jesus, we have starving kids probably 2 blocks from Terri. And they put Kavorkian in jail. I just had to have a very sick dog euthanized. Does that tell you anything? It is considered humane. I don’t believe this case made media attention because anyone gave a particular shit. It got alot of free press for our politians, who, as we all know, have only our best interests at heart. Fifteen years people! Medicaid for FIFTEEN YEARS! We work like dogs our whole lives but when we need help we have to sit up and beg like dogs for our own money. And even then you end up needing to what? Anyone? You have to hire a LAWYER. Ain’t that just the hen a peckin?

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