Car-Bomber Bumper Stickers

(A Precision Guided Humor Assignment)
With all the crazy action going on over in Iraq, it’s hard to tell friend from foe. Let’s say you’re manning a checkpoint and a car comes careening up toward you. You have no idea whether it’s a suicidal car-bomber, an innocent (if somewhat communist) Italian journalist, or simply just another Ahmed Lunchpail in a hurry to get home for a nooner.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there were an easy way to tell them apart so you wouldn’t accidentally open fire on the last example and risk losing the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people? Well, it turns out there’s an easy way to spot the bad guys – just read the bumper stickers! If you see one that’s even remotely like the ones I list in the extended entry, then fire at will:

  • Driver carries less than 20 pounds of explosives.
  • Visualize whirled pieces.
  • It could be worse…. at least I’m not a postal worker.
  • This car runs like crap because Halliburton stole my oil!
  • I support the troops – by giving them something to shoot at.
  • You can have my detonator when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.
  • Don’t shoot! I’m not a commie Italian journalist!
  • I’m not playing with myself, I’m adjusting my bomb belt.
  • 72 Virgins taxi service.
  • I sure hope these voices in my head are Allah!
  • Kerry-Edwards ’04
  • Trust me, you DON’T want to be tailgating.
  • Mary Kay Burkha Babe Bomber Brigade (pink Cadillacs only)
  • You think it’s hot in the DESERT? Try being in my CAR in 5 minutes!
  • If you had six wives, you’d be on this mission, too.
  • My other car is an IED.
  • CAUTION: Delivery vehicle. Watch for frequent stops. And sudden explosions.
  • I {heart) the UN.
  • How’s my driving? Call 1-800-BLOWDUP.

If you’ve spotted any more “dead giveaway” stickers during your recent daily commutes, feel free to drop them in the comments.


  1. I saw one once that said ‘9 out of 10 Shahids can’t be wrong’.
    I think I saw another one in Myrtle Beach that said ‘My G-d is a beastial warmongering pedophile’,but I might be mistaken. 😉

  2. How about:
    “My child is an Honors Student at Saddam Hussein Grade School”.
    “I bought this car with kickbacks from the U.N.”
    “I run this car on oil I obtained through the U.N.”

    • I Accelerate For Checkpoints
    • I Believe Anita… But I Want To Blow Her Up Anyway
    • If You Can Read This, You’d Better Have A Flak Jacket
    • My Child Is An Honor Student At Baghdad Pyrotechnic
    • Cornell
    • Hate Is A Family Value
    • Horn Broken, Watch For Fireball
    • My Parents Went To Disneyworld And All I Got Was This Lousy Explosive Vest
    • Mullahs Applauding Detonating Driving (MADD)
    • Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote… For Anyone
    • Have You Hugged Your Sheep Today?
    • Celebrate Diversity… Blow Up Everyone
    • When Car Bombs Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have Car Bombs… Oh, Wait…
    • WTROP 666 AM — We’re “The Bomb”
    • My Car Has Killed Fewer People Than Ted Kennedy’s… At Least So Far

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