Cat Blogging – Sydney and Her Fortress

I was woken up to purring that sounds more and more like a pig snorting as little Sydney (a.k.a. “Stupid Monkey Purr-Purr”) kept walking around my head demanding to be pet. I pet her, all the time thinking how much easier things would be if I just threw her into a bog.
Anyway, since all the other bloggers are doing it, here is some more cat blogging.

Sydney waits in her Fortress of Solitude (discarded case of bottled water). She thinks she’s safe from being thrown in the bog.

She’s wrong. I’m going throw the stupid cat into the bog. She fights my hand in an attempt to save herself.

SarahK’s cat, Minerva (a.k.a. “Calico Fats”), sees the commotion.

Now both cats do battle, Calico Fats realizing that, if Sydney goes in the bog, that means more attention for her.

Sydney retreats to a lookout point on my couch. Can she not find safety?

“Ha! No one will find me here!” she thinks.

But I find her! “You’re going into the bog, you dumb monkey-cat!”

In a valiant last ditch effort, Sydney fights back, attacking my leg. Calico Fats helps me, attacking Sydney’s leg.

Sydney heads back to the safety of the couch.

Satisfied she won’t be going into the bog – for now – she goes to sleep.
Man, I want a dog.


  1. Love the cat blogging. But they need a new best friend. I recommend adopting a part chow, part huskie, part golden retriever. Your life will be full of chaos for 6 months but the hilarity that abounds will be worth it.

  2. wow, the pics are even in focus–that cat obviously has you wrapped around her little paws–very cute–that basket one puts every picture sarahk has ever taken of minerva to shame
    why is that indoor cat wearing a collar? home monitoring?

  3. Frank. I hope that’s a “breakaway” collar on Sydney.. Lest she hang herself, or worse yet, escape, get her foot caught in the collar and not be able to get it out.
    A cat came to the shelter in such a condition and the collar had to be removed surgically as her neck and back foot grew around it. Rare but possible.
    Enjoying the cat pictures though. She’s a good looker. Maybe you could get her in a T-shirt.

  4. Dude, your cat is ridiculously cute. What do you want a dog for anyway?
    “The dog is an emotionally shallow animal. See, Greg, if you yell at a dog, his ears will go down and his tail will cover his genitals even if he’s done nothing wrong. It’s very easy to break a dog. But cats make you work for their affection. Cats don’t sell out like dogs do.” – Meet the Parents

  5. Every red-blooded American Republican male needs a dog – a big dog.
    If my lease didn’t prohibit it, I’d have one, too, you betcha.
    (Or, y’know, a cat, since I don’t have a yard suitable for a big dog, or even a yard at all.)

  6. I’m assuming it’s in case she gets out and lost, the person who finds her will call him and return Sydney. Also, it will alert whoever finds her in this scenario that she has been vaccinated against rabies. I would know these things, as I have three cats and a dog myself.
    She has been vaccinated, right Frank?

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