Coincidence Or Conspiracy? Monkey Business In Bolivia

Two seemingly unrelated events yet….

First, in Bolivia there an auction to name a new monkey. A newly discovered monkey anyway.

The monkey is a striking orange-ruffed, gold-crowned, red-footed dweller of the dense forests at the Madidi National Park. It’s a new species, at least to its human observers; until 2000, scientists had never seen it.

(HT to MOTGS) It called the monkey “striking”, so we already have a thread of violent behavior with the monkey. How could a monkey colored like that stay undiscovered it weren’t also sneaky and trained in the covert arts? Answer: It couldn’t.
Then, just a few days later the nation of Bolivia, the VERY nation where the monkey naming auction was taking place, and, I think, the source of the vile black olives that sometimes get put on pizzas but definitely a major coffee exporter, has its government toppled. Well, their president resigned and in a nation like Bolivia its pretty much the same thing.

It was not immediately clear who would take over from [the resigning president] Mesa, perhaps as an interim leader, or if elections would be called before the presidential term ends in 2007.

OR perhaps the NEWLY NAMED MONKEY! Who knows?
Tim will tell I guess. Or maybe that’s time. Maybe time will tell Tim. Then Tim can tell us. Assuming Tim is not a rebel monkey. WAIT! I just realized something. TIM is a name! I never checked to see what the Bolivian monkey got named. If it WAS named Tim, well then, I think the pieces are all falling together pretty neatly. Wouldn’t you say?
Coincidence or conspiracy? You make the call.
And FYI, I may have monkey in my name, but I am on your side. And I am for democratically elected human governments as much as the next primate. I also like freshly brewed inexpensive coffee. And pants.


  1. Bolivia is nearly as stable as Bill Clinton is ethical. I was there in late 80’s and someone at the US embassy pointed out to me that they had 73 governments in the past 72 years, some of the lulls between the coups lasting only hours. it’s a good place to be a monkey though, you can buy a truckload of bananas for about 16 cents in Gringo money, I heard that with the senior discount it’s only 9 cents between 2 and 6 pm but I wasn’t old enough to test it at the time.

  2. Important evidence!!! When I went to the article on the president of Bolivia resigning – the Career Builder banner had a chimp wearing a suit in a boardroom with a portrait of said chimp in background! Exclusive – credit IMAO!

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