Condoleezza Rice Apologizes for “Outpost of Tyranny” Remark

Responding to North Korea’s objections over being labelled an “outpost of tyranny”, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice issued the following statement (see extended entry):

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for calling it an “outpost of tyranny”. I realize the phrase is insulting, and – even worse – lacks the memorable alliteration of phrases like Reagan’s “Evil Empire”. It occurs to me that I could’ve used other, better, phrases to describe North Korea, such as:
Stronghold of Slavery
Craphole of Communism
Mudhole of Misery
Colony of Catastrophe
Pennisula of Persecution
Ithsmus of Imperialism
Rampart of Repression
Citadel of Cruelty
Encampment of Evil
Dominion of Dictatorship
Armpit of Asshats
Abscess of Autocracy
Stockade of Suppression
Toilet of Totalitarianism
Bastion of Bastards
Motherland of Malignancy
Slum of Subjugation
Chamberpot of Calamity
Gallery of Goombahs
Hamlet of Horror
Domain of Despotism
Outhouse of Oppression
Castle of Coercion
Ballpark of Brutality
Incubator of Injustice
Townhouse of Torment
Fortress of FUBAR
…and yet I didn’t.
So, to the dictator formerly known as Poofy-head. I apologize.
Up Yours,
Condi Rice


  1. She forgot:
    Cesspool of Communists
    Pile of Putresence
    Lump of Losers
    Trailerpark of Toejam
    Mass of Moronacy
    Bunch of brain-damaged billy-goat bothering brothers of Bill Clinton
    OK. Maybe that last one wouldn’t have worked anyways…

  2. I have a bit of a problem with Harvey’s posts… No, not what he writes ( 🙂 )
    but how it displays, specifically above the “read more” link.
    The text often dissapears or partially displays. Anyone else having this problem?
    I’ve only seen it in Harvey’s posts.

  3. Hmmm… never a disappearing post on this end (Firefox 1.0). Using Internet Exploder, are you? Hehe.
    Condi forgot Incubator of Idiotarians
    Oops, that’s California. Sorry.

  4. Hey, make this into a poll, and whatever appellation wins, then ALL right wing bloggers will HAVE to refer to N Korea using that. And pay you royalties.
    I vote for Toilet of Totalitarianism.

  5. Chris – I’m not sure what the problem is, exactly. All I can suggest is to either refresh, click on the permalink, or use Firefox as your browser.
    I do my IMAO posting in a Firefox browser, so I don’t know if it’s related or just bad luck, or a browser setting, or what.
    wait… I just viewed it with IE6 and I see what you mean. The text above the extended entry portion seems to come & go randomly, and changes when I scroll up & down the page.
    Just f’n weird…
    I’ll try posting my next thing using IE instead of Firefox.
    Meanwhile – worst case – just highlight the text and you’ll be able to read it.

  6. Harvey, thanks for the reply!
    I don’t see any signs of this glitch on your posts on Bad Example, just here.
    I checked and you are right, I can read the “dissapeared” text by highlighting it. Thanks!!!
    I checked using Firefox, and the problem does not occur.

  7. “Fortress of FUBAR” sounds like something from WrestleMania.
    “In this corner, from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, weighing in at 137 pounds, wearing the red trunks and poofy hair, the Playboy from Pyonyang, the Dear Leader, Kim Jong-Il!

  8. I experience the same problem you’re having Chris. It’s there, not there, etc.
    I use Avant Browser (I think I have build 10 or 11, not sure)and I’ve never seen anything like this before anywhere else either. Very odd.
    If you use Opera, you don’t get the problem either.

  9. Knieval, I know how you feel. My brother serves just a few miles from the border.
    I’m torn between Craphole of Communism and Fortress of FUBAR as my favorite. Thanks for the laugh Harvey!

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