
A friend of mine who works as a sportscaster called me from Dallas last night after he’d watched Dan Rather’s sign off for the CBS Evening News in his time zone and left me a voice-mail saying: “Ding-Dong The Witch Is Dead.”
I had to wait a couple of hours until I got the west coast CBS News feed to see exactly what he meant, but now I get it:

What makes a king out of a slave?
What makes the flag on the mast to wave?
What makes the Hottentot so hot? What puts the “ape” in apricot? What have they got that I ain’t got?
Courage, Dan… “Courage.”


  1. Does anybody care about this other than rabid right-wingers? A totally inconsequential story because nobody cares if Bush used favors to skip Vietnam, nobody cares if he smoked pot, dropped acid, or snorted coke in strip clubs. Being a guardsman in the 1960s, it would be more surprising if he hadn’t. But Bush’s supporters have made it clear: so what if he did? Those moral standards only apply to Democrats.

  2. tOm;
    So I should assume you are not a “rabid right winger?” And that by your statement, then Dan Rather has to then be a “rabid right winger” or he wouldn’t have cared about this story, either, much less trying to hire PI out of his own pocket to continue following this story, even after the evidence was revealed. Funny, I thought Dan Rather hated the entire Bush family, and essentially all Republicans.
    Bill Clinton went into ROTC and then wrote a letter saying he wasn’t going thru with his commitment, so as to not ruin his future political career.
    Once more, the liberal left misses the entire point of these situations: Bill Clinton was having sex on the job, and even went so far as to hold up at least one State meeting, making Yasser Arafat wait in the Rose Garden for his arrival, while Monica serviced him. The deal was not he was getting happy, but while his empolyers (us) paid for his time, he was using it for his own benefit. No different than you taking a 3 hour lunch and thinking the boss was gonna pay for the other two, just because you wanted it. As a career service member, I was expected to give the tax payer a fair work ethic and actual defense of the Nation for the pay check I got. If I had done what Clinton had done, I’d have been courts-martialed.
    Next: Dan Rather used false documents to bias his reporting. Objectivity went out the window. The issue is the truthfulness. If he’d do that for one scenario, would he do it for any other? Credibility….that’s the issue.
    Concepts are difficult for liberals to grasp. Sorry to stereotype, but that’s a common thread. Never address the real issue when you can say “hey, dude, it’s like no big thing, ya know? Like why are you hassling me man? Don’t like my hair?”
    If caring that someone does what they say they are doing makes me a “rabid right winger” then count me in. I like to think it’s just having common sense, reasonable expectations, and deserving of each of us treating our fellow man with courtesy and respect. You’d appreciate that, I’m sure, so why not try treating others with respect? Lots of love might break out….

  3. Remember Real Scott, in Dan’s world it isn’t a matter of whether the documents were forged or not, it’s the fact that the story is true whether he had the evidence to back it up or not.
    It must really be a pain in the a@@ to know something to be true and not be able to find even the smallest shred of legitimate evidence to support your claims.
    Dan’s problem is that he’s living in the past where people took him on his word, if it ever meant anything to begin with. Whether it meant anything or not, he still hasn’t grasped onto the fact that we who live in the world where information is available at our fingertips (i.e. the blogosphere) and we have grown into a force large enough to call him (and all others of his ilk) on it.
    In the 60’s or 70’s, even the early 80’s, he most likely could have wrecked W’s reelection because it would have taken months to discount his story whereas it would have been too late. The fact that this story was blown out of the water before he even left the air shows how irrelevant MSM has become.
    As for Dan, call him a whaaaambulance and let him ride off into the “dustbin of history.”
    Personally, I’m just surprised it took this long for him to disappear. The Media Research Center has an interesting read on Dan and his bias.
    PS – Sorry, I don’t do HTML so you’ll just have to cut and paste. Interesting indeed.

  4. I still think one of the funniest things about this is that Walter Cancerite wanted was whining about Rather not stepping down earlier (and he always hated him).
    jonag, that was funny.
    Leuthen, we’d better watch it or else they’ll start rewriting history, like in “1984”. Actually, they already are, here’s the government textbook I was issued. I’m not sure how much you can see the bias in the online edition, but even with the pittance of what I’ve read for class so far, it’s fairly obvious. The way they word everything (very subtly and cleverly done) looks like their presenting both sides (“and this is the way most people see it… this way and this way, blah, blah, etc.”), but it usually presents the leftist arguments as the way it really is and the right-wing arguments as the easily countered ramblings of some reactionary. It’s refreshing when they don’t do that and occasionally tell the truth.
    At least they don’t lie as much as a couple of American History teachers we’ve got here.

  5. tOm … wahchoo doin’ here … the left-wing conspiracy meeting is in room 3A ….
    As Mark Steyn put it … the Brits are having a real hard time understanding all this … over there they think that talking heads are people who can proficiently read from a teleprompter … not celebrities. BuBye Gunga Dan …. we’ll see if Sheiffer can be as transparemtly biased as you were ….

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